Friday 6 April 2018

Renovation Break Time (April 4, 2018)

My Honey, bless his heart, got up and started the truck for me while I was having my shower.
So sweet of him seeing as he is on days off and could have stayed comfy and cozy in bed.
I am so done with winter.
I can't believe we are here in April and everything is still covered in snow and the temperatures are still below freezing with no warming up anywhere in sight.
I still have to have my heater on in my office because it is so cold.
How I wish I were in Hawaii with my boy right now!!!
Work was busy today, had a couple of meeting this morning which made the morning just speed by.
For lunch I had a chicken breast again, this time with black beans and lima beans (and some bbq sauce up on there to).
I love having the chicken cooked up and ready to go.
I could eat the same thing for days at a time as long as it is ready to go when I get home!

When I was home for lunch, the cats got into fighting a bit so My Honey separated them and put them in time out.

Later in the afternoon he sent me this picture saying that Paddington was still in time out.
He doesn't really look very upset about the situation does he?

He sent this also saying that Professor Snuggles was in time out as well.
He looks more like he is having a cozy nap to me.
Ha ha!

My Honey was cooking up some pork for tortilla soup.
He sent me this picture of it - look at all those goodies in there.
This afternoon we had another meeting, this time about a fundraiser we are planning.
A former coworker recently found out that she has cancer so we are going to hold another Krazy Kolor Run like we did two years ago for another girl in town here.
We had a meeting to discuss the plans and I am on Social Media duty so I need to update our Facebook page and get the word out.
We are planning it for June 24 so we really don't have a lot of time.
After work I had plans on painting but when I got home, my belly was really bothering me.
It happens sometimes, I am not sure why.

I hadn't eaten supper yet so whipped up a chocolate Kodiak cake with bananas and cool whip hoping that might help my belly.
It tasted really delicious but my belly was still not great so I took some Pepto which helped a little.
My Honey wanted a day of rest before getting back into renovations so we just relaxed and watched a bunch of Munchies and Chef's Night Out on You Tube.
We watched a few NYC pizza shows too.
I was craving a slice of Prince St Pizza so badly before and now I am craving it even more.
Less than two weeks and I'll be enjoying a slice!
My belly still wasn't feeling all that great and I was super tired so I hit the hay early.
I have an FCSS meeting tomorrow night at 7pm so my plan is to get home after work and immediately start painting so I can at least get one beam finished.
Had a text from my boy saying that they made it there ok.  They are 5 hours behind so they were just getting up and heading out to explore for the first time.
I know flying there was hard for him as he doesn't like to travel in an airplane so I am so proud that he even went.
My heart is so happy for him - for both of them!
Glad they could experience a trip like this together before the baby comes.
Now I am just impatiently waiting to see some pictures!!!

That is all for today, until next time, be happy!





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