Wednesday 4 April 2018

Weigh In Day (April 2, 2018)

I got to work early like I wanted and got to work playing Easter Bunny right away.

Most people weren't there yet so they will never know that the Easter Bunny only showed up this morning instead of last night.
Then it was time to weigh in.
I know I've been following plan so I was expecting a loss.
I did it.
I am super proud of myself and happy to see the 240's.
Now my next goal will be to get to the 230's.
Step by step, I know I can get there.

Had some leftover shrimp and chicken stir fry for lunch.
Skipped the rice again and just went for the protein.
After work I got right to work painting.
The beams on the ceiling are a lot of work.
During painting I had a girl guide come to the door selling cookies so I bought a box from her.
Then my son and his girl dropped by to borrow a suitcase.
They are off to Hawaii tomorrow and I am so excited for them, him especially as he's never been somewhere tropical like that.
I hope they have a wonderful trip.
Then my mom's friend DM dropped by so I intermittently visited with her and painted.
So I didn't get as much painted as I might have liked but I'm getting there slowly.

It was after 9 when DM left so I cooked up a peanut crunch pancake for myself and added a chicken breast.
I wish I could find these Kodiak Cakes here in Canada somewhere but so far in my research, I haven't found anything.
I am going to try to stock up next time we go to the States.
This memory popped up from a trip to the city with the girls 2 years ago for one of our birthday suppers.
We ordered seven meals for 4 people - seems about right!
That is all for today.
Until next time, be happy!


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