Friday 6 April 2018

Another One Bites the Dust (or the Sweet, Sweet Retirement Life) (April 3, 2018)

This sums up exactly how I feel.
Seriously, I am getting so tired of seeing snow.
I am totally done with it!

One of the operators out in the field is retiring after working here for 25+ years and today was his last day.
So one of the Vendors who works for us brought in lunch for the office so we could celebrate with him.

They brought all kinds of different salads, pasta, oriental and broccoli.
They also brought pizzas.
I had some salad and a slice of pizza.
It pretty much used up most of my points but I'll just be careful about what I have for supper.
I love when we get together for these celebrations because they always reminisce and tell stories about the good old days and some of them are pretty funny!
Can you tell which one is retiring?
He may or may not have the hugest grin in the world on his face!
Hint: it's actually the white haired gentleman with the dark coat.
The other grinner in the blue plaid is retiring in a couple more months so he is pretty happy too!

When I got home, I chilled for a little and watched some of Little People Big World.
I had the munchies too so I kept getting different things.
I had turkey bites, pudding and toast.
I still felt hungry but instead of eating any more, I got to work painting.
I got quite a bit done on the beams on the ceiling.
Not quite done yet though.

Watched the season premiere of LPBW.
Made me want to go back to Portland.

We are thinking of going there again for the long weekend in May.
I am going to email Roloff Farms to see if we can get in for a tour that weekend.
I think it would be awesome to see the Farm in person.

When My Honey got home, he cooked himself up a frozen pizza.
I was out of points by that time so I had a chicken breast and some black beans.
Would have been 0 points but I added a bit of Sweet Baby Ray's bbq sauce for flavor.

In the end, I went over my daily point allotment by a couple which wasn't bad at all.

My Honey is on days off now so hopefully we can get some traction on this renovation.
These fitbit stats are looking pathetic.
As soon as these renovations are complete - I am going to get to working my butt out!


That is all for today, until next time, be happy.

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