Monday 16 April 2018

Grey be Gone! (April 13, 2018)

Guess what time it is?

It's time to wash that grey right out of my hair!

It grows out so fast, I can barely keep up.

BH brought her blood pressure monitor to work so I did mine and it was super high compared to usual.

I thought maybe something was wrong with it so I tried it again and it wasn't much better.
Not sure if something is up but I think I am going to have to keep an eye on it.
My blood pressure is normally in the lower normal range so this was odd.

Just getting the roots blended in this time.

Didn't she do a great job?

I am super happy with how it turned out.

Next time I am going to be a bit braver and add a fun color in there.
Maybe a bright red or a dark purple.
Stay tuned!

My appointment for my hair was at 3:00 pm and I was home by 5:00 pm so that was great.

Instead of making supper we decided to go out.

We picked the restaurant in town where my niece works hoping she would be there working and she was.
This is mom, her cousin Ms S and Miss M.

We ordered then I texted My Honey to see if he'd like me to bring him home anything for when he got off work and turned out he was on his way.

I ordered his food and it was the first to come out and he got there just as they set it on the table.

My Honey & I and Ms.T.
Her & mom have been close friends since they were youngsters!

I ordered the chicken quesadilla with a side greek salad and it was a perfect supper!

My sister texted to say she wanted to Facetime so when we got home I called her.

There she is!

Mr E wishing me a Happy Birthday!

I kept taking screen shots and I didn't know how to save them so I was sending them to her accidentally so we had a great laugh over that.

Mr D was harder to snap a good picture of.

He likes to make faces and be silly - funny little goofball that he is.

Another failed attempt.

Finally, a good shot!
He is such a sweetheart, boy do I miss them.

They talked for a bit but then they were anxious to get back to their nintendo game.

After we talked to the boys and my sissy, I rented a show for us to watch.
I'd seen it before but none of them had.
I loved it just as much this time as I did the first time.
Some of the songs just gave me chills.
My Mom and T & S enjoyed it as well.

After they went off to bed, I got caught up on a couple of episodes of Grey's Anatomy.
So it was really late when I finally hit the hay myself.
It was nice to finally just sit and enjoy the new living room though.
I am impressed with our collective skills.
My Honey did all the hard stuff and I got to do the fluffy, decorating part but we make a good team I think.

That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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