Monday 16 April 2018

Happy Birthday to Me! (April 12, 2018)

I took a few pictures of the house morning before leaving for the office.
There was much better light than there was last night.

I love it just as much this morning!

I think the fireplace turned out wonderfully.

Just for comparison sake, here is the before picture.
It's just so much brighter and roomier, I love it.

I love the closet being gone and having a full wall there now.

The curtains ended up being more on the greenish side than what I thought I'd ordered but you can't even tell that they aren't the same shade as the wall.

I think they work just great in there.

My little display area here is a work in progress but I am thrill with it so far and look forward to finding new additions for it.

I weighed in because today was my birthday and I want to do a side by side comparison to next year's weigh in.
I will be down 100 lbs from this number!

Also took a birthday selfie to celebrate my day.

Happy birthday to me!

As is tradition, the girls from the office took me out for a birthday lunch.

Ms SV and I.

We got our waitress to take a couple of pictures for us.
This is the only one I could really find on my phone?
The ladies gave me a gift certificate to use at the hair salon in town which was perfect as I have an appointment to get my hair done there tomorrow.

I ordered the greek salad and it was delicious.
They put kalamada olives on it which not all places do so they win bonus points from me for that.

Mom's company arrived around 3pm, they gave me a call at work so I could give them instructions to the house.
They were only a few houses away from our place when they called so I easily led them to our place over the phone.

They are my mom's first cousins, two sisters.
One lives in Calgary and the other is from PEI but was visiting her sister in Calgary.
It is quite the jaunt to get to here from Calgary so it was so nice that they made the trip to come see her.

I tried out a new recipe that I kind of made up myself for supper.
Tater Tot casserole.
I looked up the recipe and turns out there are all kinds of versions so I kind of combined some of what I found and came up with my own creation.
I was worried that it would be a flop but I think everyone enjoyed it.

My brother popped over for supper and to visit.
One of the visitors is his godmother so he came over to see her.

My other brother also dropped by and brought the kiddos.
My SIL was at work so couldn't come.

Mr H was acting shy of the company but it didn't take him long to warm up to the ladies.

He found some treats so he was happy!

Miss A couldn't stay long, she had to head out to dance class.

My brothers had some supper and stayed to visit for awhile before heading home.
Then My Honey got home and we visited with the company for awhile.
They have accents just like my relatives back home and it was so nice to hear their stories and laugh with them.
Felt like a little piece of PEI family was with us tonight (which it was)!

My Honey surprised me with tickets to Hello Dolly!!!
I wanted to see it last year when Bette Midler was starring in it but we left it too late.
I was a little bummed but it worked out great because now I get to see Bernadette Peters which I think will be awesome!

My dad gave me a call tonight to wish me a Happy Birthday, he is so good at remembering birthdays.
It was nice to have a chat with him.

Pretty much sums things up!

These popped up on Facebook tonight.
Pictures from my birthday dinner 2 years ago.

Mr H is sure growing.

My boy, my brother and mom holding Mr.H.

My handsome boy.

My Honey made my favorite for desert, biscuits with strawberries and whipped cream.

Miss A loves fruit and whipped cream too!

Aww, he has grown so much (Mr H, not my brother), where does the time go?

This was a prior year, My Honey made me a German Chocolate Cake that year.

I also got some flower that year from my momma.

and from Otis Spunkmeyer aka My Honey.
He is such a goofball.
I love how he put "Best Regards", he cracks me up.

They were gorgeous flowers.

I was feeling a little spoiled that year, my office looked like a florists shop.

That is all for today, until next time, be happy.

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