Monday 16 April 2018

Renos are Done....Almost! (April 11, 2018)

I couldn't believe my eyes this morning when I looked out and saw my truck covered in fresh, new fallen snow.

OMG - enough already, go away winter!!!

I ran around this morning trying to get a few things done, I moved the dining room chairs out of My Honey's office and got some other things put into his office.
I got the paint trays soaking so I could put them away at lunch.
I have a giant to do list for today (which weirdly enough is both daunting and exciting to me at the same time) so I wanted to get an early start.
I plan on doing some last minute painting when I go home for lunch so I can get my curtains put up after work.
There are light switch and electrical plate covers to go back up.
Pictures and mirrors.
I am going to be a busy little bee!

When I got to the office this morning, I could see an ambulance pulling up to our back doors here.
Then as I was parking, I saw them getting out a stretcher and my heart was in my throat.
What a scary feeling to see that and not know what is going on.
I was instantly worried and hurried right over to see what was up.
Turns out one of the consultants that work for us had an episode of shaking and vomiting.
Turns out he is ok, they attributed it to a mixture of stress and a medication that he has been taking.
Thank goodness - it could have been so much worse.

I was thinking about the house and getting things together and where I was going to put everything and it dawned on me that I don't have a tv stand.
I had the tv on the wall before but I'm not sure I want to put it on the wall again.
I designed a stand that I want and My Honey is going to build it for me but I need something in the interim.

We have lots of empty offices here so I went on a hunt to see if there was anything that might work and I found an old rolling tv stand/cart.

It is very industrial but I figure I can cover it and it will do the trick.

I was thinking about what to cover it with and came up with what I thought was a brilliant idea.
I stopped at the hardware on my way home for lunch to see if they had any paint drop clothes that actually were cloth.
They did and it was a creamy color like I expected - perfect!
I grabbed the largest one they had because I figured I could make a curtain for my hall closet while I was at it.

I spent the rest of my lunch hour running around the house, putting things away, organizing, moving furniture and cleaning.
The hour zipped right by and I didn't even have a chance to eat so I grabbed a turkey bite and a couple of hard boiled eggs and I was out the door and back to work.

All afternoon I kept thinking about all the things I had to do.

I was so happy at the end of the day to get home and get it done.
I got the awful things out of the way first like cleaning the bathroom and changing the kitty litter then I got to work on the fun stuff.

The kitties weren't very helpful but they did find a new hang out spot.

I got out my sewing machine and sewed like a boss.
I got the curtain for the closet done and

a cover for the tv stand and I think it turned out great.
It has the look I was going for and it will be perfect to use until My Honey has time to build a stand for me.

When My Honey got home after 7, I was just finishing up sewing then I started putting all the light switch plates back up.

I asked him to put up the curtain rod so I could hang my new curtains

and the mirror.
We were just hard at it.

I set out the new container I bought to hold "stuff".

Somewhere in there he found time to whip up a delicious salad, chimichurri and flank steak.
It was so tasty and it was great to sit down on our couch again to eat (we never eat at the table unless we have company).

Then it was back at it.

I set up my new little "area" that I've been thinking about.
I actually want to put a full bench here which My Honey is also going to build for me.
I found exactly what I want, now we just need more time!

But this little trunk he made will work for now.
I am loving how it looks - I still want to add a bit too it but I'll just take my time and add things as I find them.

We worked away until midnight.
I brought up a bunch of my stuff that has been put away since before Christmas.

I think the look is coming together and I am super happy with it.
We still need to put baseboards on and find some kind of blinds but no rush now, the main things are done and I am ready for the company that is coming tomorrow.

It's been a late couple of nights so I'll be happy to sleep in on the weekend!

Hopefully the wreath will still be there in the morning when I get up.

Someone really likes it.

The baby bump is really popping out - guess baby loves Hawaii - genious baby!

Some Facebook memories from a breakfast we had in Edmonton at Tutti Frutti.

I had cinnamon roll pancakes and they were as delicious as they sound.

The presentation looked so beautiful, just like something straight from a tropical destination.

Wow - haven't seen numbers like this for a while now.

That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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