Tuesday 10 April 2018

A Steal of a Deal! (April 6, 2018)


There was lots of cuddling going on this morning at our house.
Not all of us had to get up and go to work and those of us that did (me) would definitely have preferred to stay and cuddle a bit longer.

Breakfast at my desk this morning.
I started early and worked through lunch so I could get a way a bit earlier.
We had plans to go to the city to pick up what we hope is the rest of our renovation supplies.

When I got home from work, first thing I did was pack a bag.
I found someone hanging out in the cabinet.

I don't know if he was playing peek-a-boo,

Or if he was getting ready to attack!!!
We got on the road and stopped in Westlock to look at Peavey Mart for a jacket for My Honey.
They didn't really have what he was looking for so we walked over to Giant Tiger.
He found a summer jacket and a really good, heavy winter jacket for $40.00.
He got one for his dad too since it was such a good deal.
Meanwhile, I found a good deal of my own.
Curtain panels for $3.00 a panel!!! 
They are navy and grey striped.
I also found a set of solid blue for $5.00 a panel that I think will work in my room.
They are heavy and well made, I think they will block the light too which will come in handy for our long days of summer.
I ended up with 10 panels for $38 bucks.
I was so impressed I had to mention it on Facebook and it started quite a few conversations, ha ha.
When we got to the city, we stopped at Lowe's first.
We got more paint and we looked at their decorative trim.
We didn't get it yet because we didn't want to try to shove it in the truck.
We tried a place that recently opened, Love Pizza.
We've been watching so many New York pizza shows lately that we have pizza on the mind.
They had some interesting combinations.
They come out in these long skinny shapes.

I tried the Peaches & Cream. 
It was a little on the sweet side for me, too much peach compote I think.
I couldn't eat more than 2 slices.

My Honey went with the Meatatarian.
His was much better!
We did some more shopping around.
We thought of going to see a movie but nothing was really playing that peaked our interest. 

Instead we went to the casino and pretty much threw a few bucks away.
My Honey had gotten us a room in St Albert so we headed over to check in .
Turns out, we had no reservation there, he actually made the reservation for Leduc.
Ha ha.
Oh well, we hopped back in the truck and headed over to Leduce.

It ended up being a happy mistake because our room was gorgeous.

It had a fireplace.

It had a huge whirlpool bath.

It had a pretty interesting contraption in the shower.
(Can't wait to give it a try in the morning.)
I was a little hungry so we ordered in some room service.
My Honey wasn't very hungry which was a good thing because he ordered the Steak bites and this is what we got (he had eaten 1 by the time I took this picture).
I think if I worked in the kitchen that I would be embarrassed to send this out?
On the flip side, I ordered a taco salad and it was great - we shared.
Some Facebook memories popped up today that I thought I would share.
This was a couple years ago when I babysat for the evening. 

Mr H (he's so little) and Miss A having some supper.

He was far less fussier about what he put in his mouth back then.

I took the kids for a walk to the park and Mr H got to try out the swing.
From the look on his face, I am not quite sure that he enjoyed the experience.

Look at those rosy little cheeks.

Baby cuddles are the best.

Miss A did my nails for me - she is a pro!
Ba ha ha!
Some people are so clever!

We did so much walking today that I finally made it over the 10,000 step mark for the first time in a long time.
That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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