Friday 1 July 2016

New York City Day 2

We slept in this morning and it was nice.  So we ended up getting a late start to the day but that is what vacation is all about.

We headed to Century 21 first thing so I could do a bit of shopping.  Didn't end up getting much except a backpack (it's waterproof which turned out to be handy) and a new blow dryer, it wasn't pink though.

Century 21 is right next to the World Trade Tower.  It is always a bit sobering to see it and remember 911.

Then we headed to Red Hook fields in Brooklyn to check out the food trucks over there.  After lots of walking we found it but there ended up being only one food truck there today.

Fortunately the food was delicious, we tried huarache for the first time (we loved it),

The tacos were also great.

The little neighborhood we were in was cute and funky, with some cool artwork,

and graffiti (this made me laugh).

We tried a fruity soft serve with caramelized cornflakes.

When you walk around you see lots of neat stuff, like the Zombie Hut.

And a bakery (Mia's) with a darling little seating area in the back.

They asked if I had any questions and I said Yes, how do you decide on just one?

 Mini lemon meringues....
 chocolate dipped macaroons......

All their treats were so beautifully decorated.  We ended up trying a few things and ranking from favorite to least favorite they were:

Passion Fruit Tart (OMG to die for)

Lobster Tail

Chocolate Dipped Macaroon

  Just to be clear though, it was all delicious.

We decided to walk over the Brooklyn Bridge so we headed that way.

We got caught in a downpour just as we were starting across.......

but it cleared up and the sun was back out before we got all the way back to the Manhattan side, we were even treated to this strategically placed rainbow.

Always a sucker for beautiful trees

We saw this show tonight, it was such a fun show.  I do believe it has become one of my all time favorites, right up there with Mary Poppins!

The kids in the show were amazing and they were actually playing the instruments for real.  This little guy was the guitar player and he rocked it.

And this young lady was the lead singer, what a voice on her, it was powerful for such a little person

Now I'm going to get my honey to spray my feet so I'll be in fine shape and raring to go in search of some more adventures tomorrow.

Until next time, be happy!

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