Sunday 3 July 2016

New York City Day 3

We headed to the TKTS booth in downtown Brooklyn this morning hoping it might be a little less busy (it wasn't) and because we just wanted to check out the area. It was hard to decide with all these choices.


Once we had our tickets purchased we stopped at the New Apollo Diner for brunch.  I had the feta fries, they were just ok.

Then we headed over to somewhere we hadn't made it to yet on any of our previous trips...

It was kind of pricey, I think it would be expensive for a whole family.
First up, camels and they had quite an aroma!

Some of my other favorites included the giraffes (they always seem so peaceful)

The gorillas, he looked almost human the way he was sitting there.

The moms and babies were in a different area.  We saw about five babies and they were just playing around.  Fun to watch.


I love watching the lemurs too, I especially love how the moms carry around the babies.  It doesn't seem to hinder them at all, they still jump from branch to branch and all around no problem.

 I am no necessarily against zoos obviously but I did feel really bad for this polar bear. I am no expert but his environment didn't seem adequate.  It was hot and I think he should have been in a temperature controlled environment.  He was just pacing and panting.  I felt bad for him (or her).

The grounds were just beautiful, fountains usually are!

So we posed for pictures, me....

and my honey.....

We headed back to Manhattan for our show and stopped at a little Thai place for supper. 
 I had all my favorites, Iced Thai coffee,

 Tom Kha Soup (it wasn't as sweet as I like but still good)
 Pad Thai - it was yummy!

Their washroom was really neat. My phone had died so I got my honey's camera and went in a second time to take photos, they probably thought it was odd, ha ha!

The sink and faucet were awesome..

 and I kind of liked the surround on the toilet too.

Then we were off to our show pick for tonight..

We really enjoyed it.  I think it could have been very dark but there was some comedic parts and the lead actor was very good.

Another great day in the big apple!
Until next time, be happy!

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