Wednesday 13 July 2016

New York City Day 6 - Catch Up

I didn't have a chance to blog every day in NYC but I still want to capture a diary of our time there so I am playing a bit of catch up here.

The first thing we did this morning was head to a little place My Honey wanted to try in the East Village.  It was a place called Veselka.

I tried the Iced Watermelon Black Tea, I didn't really care for it.  I should have known because I haven't tried a black tea yet that I liked.
Oh well, even if I don't end up liking things, I still enjoying trying them! How will you know unless you try, right?

This was my breakfast.  A "Blintze" which is like a crepe and it was filled with farmers cheese which to me was similar to cottage cheese, just maybe less lumpy. It came with applesauce, raspberry sauce and sour cream.  It isn't something I would rush out to have again but it was ok.  The raspberry sauce it came with was very tasty though.

Then we just wandered around the neighbourhood and came across some more cool art.  I love this kind of stuff, it is just so interesting and the artists that create it are so very talented.

This mural was right across the street from Veselka.

This one was pretty awesome, very 3Dish.

There are just interesting things to be seen everywhere you look.

We made our way over to Greenwich Village to meet up for the food tour we signed up to take.  Get ready for lots of food pictures!
First stop was Joe's for a slice of pizza (or pie if you are a New Yorker)

I think the plain cheese slice is my new favorite.

Next we headed over to O & CO.  It is a specialty store that sells mainly olive oil but they had a few other products as well.
First off we tried the basil olive oil on bread.  I must say that it was the tastiest olive oil I've ever tried and I am not an olive oil freak or anything, it just really tasted good.

This little one came with her parents and she wanted to try everything that the adults were having.

Next we tried truffle popcorn, it was yummy also.


She made sure to try some of that as well

My Honey tasting the popcorn, he loves making goofy faces for the camera, it's all part of his charm.

Next up on our tour was a little place called "Home"

We tried this dish that had risotto, some kind of mushrooms and a quail egg.  I'm not sure what the sauce on it was but it was absolutely delicious.  It was my favorite item that we tried on this tour.

Along the way we saw some interesting things as usual, I am not sure what the purpose of this is but I just liked the way it looked.

Then it was time for some sweet stuff at "The Doughnut Project - Doughnut Shop"

They had some funky items on their menu, wish we'd had time to try a few more.

The ones we did get to sample were fresh out of the oven so they were still warm.  They were the lemon ones.

I think the whole group found them to be "finger licking good"!

We headed to this little place next. 

We tried an eggplant dish and it was far better than I expected,  I normally don't care much for eggplant but I enjoyed this. 

I noticed they had lots of little piggy décor, I thought it was cute.

The chef - Raffaele Ronca - was there making bread.  He was a contestant on Food Network's Chopped and won first place.

More interesting things along the way.  This was the outside of a Locksmith's.  The artwork is created with keys, what a great idea!  It looked pretty awesome.

Our guide was sharing little tidbits of history on the area as we were walking and we came upon this  little plaque which I loved.  The two homes on either side of it were historically relevant some how and had plaques commemorating it so I just thought this was so cheeky and fun.  Somebody had a great sense of humour.

This is our tour guide Diane outside of "Milk & Cookies" which was our next stop.

We tried the good old chocolate chip cookie and it was straight out of the oven too so it was warm and gooey and oh so good.  The picture just doesn't do it justice.

More interesting bits of information that was shared with us.  The stars on these homes were actually put there as a kind of camouflage. The homes were sagging and they pushed rebar into them for support and instead of just leaving the ugly rebar sticking out, they added the stars to cover it up.  Who knew?

This is the narrowest home in Manhattan. 75 1/2 Bedford Street is just 8'7" wide.  Sold back in 2013 for 3.25 million though. 

We first saw door knockers like these on our London trip and liked them so much that we purchased one. However, our door has a big glass window on it so it unfortunately is not conducive to a knocker like this.  Still want to use it somewhere so thinking on ideas, maybe the bathroom door?

Our next stop was Murray's - Cheese & Gourmet Foods where we tried a few cheeses, dried apricots and cheese puffs.  As usual, the gouda type cheese was my fave.

Rocco's was our final stop,

for a cannoli, it is NYC after all!  It was just the right finish to the tour.

After the tour we sat in a nearby park for a bit of a rest, my feet were feeling a bit tired.  To the right of the fountain you could see quite a police presence.  They were heavily armed but there didn't seem to be anything going on that I could see? 

This pair looked to be enjoying their slice.

On our little journeys this afternoon we came upon a gelato place and because it was so stinking hot out we decided to indulge.  I went for it and tried the sweet potato with goat cheese and it was very good.  I would choose it again.

For supper we had........................PIZZA! 

We tend to eat lots of it on our NYC trips.  This one was from a little place called Keste on Bleeker St.  I find the pizzas to all be quite similar myself so it is difficult to choose a "best" but it was delicious and I would highly recommend it.

The Star Wars Exhibit was on display at the Discovery Center so that was our next stop.  My siblings and My Honey are all big Sci-Fi fans and although not as dedicated perhaps, I am a fan too so I was looking forward to it.  We have seen quite a few exhibits at various discovery centers and we always enjoy them, this one proved to be no exception.

They had lots of costumes on display and they were fabulous

I think every male, young or old, wants a light sabre.

I am always in awe with how much personality these guys have and two of them don't even speak English.  Not an easy accomplishment in my estimation so quite impressive.

Noooooo Hans Solo, don't leave me. 
Such an iconic image.

Pretty sure this outfit inhabits many male fantasies (maybe female ones too?)

CHEWY!!  Another character that imparts so much personality.  He may not speak our language but I think we all understand him and love him, especially his loyalty and love for Hans.

Some of the costumes that Natalie Portman wore for her role.

They are just so beautiful, I especially love the pinkish one, I would even wear it.
The fabrics are so rich and luxurious and so much detail.

Seeing the costumes gives you an idea of how big or small the actors or actresses that wore them actually are.  Both Natalie Portman and Carrie Fisher must both be teeny tiny.

Loves him I does.

Awww, the ewoks remind me of teddy bears come to life. 

Welcome to the dark side.

The dark lord himself.

Some of the newest characters costumes were there on display as well.

We had to go through Times Square to get to the theater.  We usually try to avoid it because it is so crowded, but when we do go there, it is still just as jaw dropping as ever.  Seeing it at night is my favorite.  I could just sit on the red stairs and people watch for hours.  Never a dull moment in that place.

We attended "The Crucible" tonight.  We have seen a few plays that we really did not enjoy so we often tend to opt for musicals but I really like Saoirse Ronan so I wanted to check it out.  She was great in Brooklyn and I also listened to a radio interview she did about The Crucible and her role in it so it sparked my interest.
We were not disappointed.  The cast were all very good and it was dark subject matter but still enjoyable.  The best play I have seen on Broadway thus far.  My honey agrees.

I've been on a quest to find a pecan bar since we arrived here this time but so far no luck.  Instead I found this cashew bar which we shared before heading back to the hotel and bed.  We have an early start scheduled for tomorrow.

That's all for today.  Until next time, be happy!

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