Friday 29 July 2016

Road Trip

I love long weekends, especially in the summer.

 My list of things to pick up in the city.

Bag is packed and got our pillows, you never know what you will get at a hotel so it's best not to take chances where pillows are concerned.  Don't want to end up with a sore neck.

 And we are off, no definite destination, just heading south.

 A gorgeous day for a drive, the wildflowers are blooming.

 I think old barns are so picturesque and the canola looks stunning when it is in bloom.

 Stopped here to find some facilities.  It is a cute little town, voted pinkest town in Alberta (whatever that means)

I saw a sign for ice cream so of course we stopped.

 My Honey ate his before I could get a photo but I am a bit slower.
I tried rootbeer float and peanut butter and jam. I liked the rootbeer float best.

This home had beautiful holly hocks out front.  I've seen plenty in PEI but don't see them often out here so I was excited, I know, it doesn't take much!

 This golf course was just on the outskirts of town and yes....

 there was a giant golf tee! I think stuff like this is awesome.

 Stopped at a park in Three Hills for a picnic lunch. 

 Then it was back on the open road.  This part of the country with the rolling hills has a certain charm.  I think it is lovely.

Saw these cool mailboxes, had to go back for close ups.

 Just a few more from the drive.

 Everything looks so green and healthy. 

 Another shot of the canola.  The yellow will be gone soon so I'm enjoying it while it's here.

 We ended up in Calgary.  You can see the Calgary Tower and the mountains off in the distance.

 The last minute room we booked turned out to be giant.

 You could live here easily.

The bed is comfy too, we already tested it out!

We had a nice day meandering down here and just chatting with each other and taking in the scenery.  Wonder where the road will lead us tomorrow.  I know we'll be hitting up the pool here at the hotel before we head out for sure!

Until next time, be happy!

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