Saturday 16 July 2016

New York City Day 9 - Catch Up

We were off to a much earlier start this morning.  My Honey has been wanting to check out Arthur Ave in the Bronx so we headed over that way.

Honestly, I was feeling a little apprehensive as we had to walk about 20 minutes from the Subway station in the Bronx to get to Arthur Avenue and I was unsure what to expect.
It ended up being just fine though.  I probably wouldn't opt to walk around that area at night time but I felt very safe during the day.

 It was a super hot day and we came across these kids playing in the fire hydrant.  It's like a scene from right out of a movie of the inner city on a hot, sunny day.

 I am glad we went, Arthur Avenue area is dubbed the Little Italy of the Bronx and there are lots of little Italian restaurants, and old buildings.

  I liked it there. 

My Honey wanted to try this place out for lunch but it was actually closed for a week for vacation.

So we went to another little Italian place across the road (I can't remember the name)

They brought us bread and these little pickled carrots that I devoured because they tasted so good.  Vinegary and a little sweet and still crunchy, delicious.

I had the gnocchi with spinach sauce and lots of parmesan. 

My honey had the Vodka Penne. Both were good.

There was a little Italian Market next door to where we ate, this piano was just at the entrance.

And inside you could watch fresh hand rolled cigars being made.

This guy was just listening to tunes on his phone and doing his thing.

It was interesting to watch and it smelled like cigars in there, the good cigar smell.  I don't like to smoke cigars but I do enjoy their aroma.

There was lots to see in the market

A "food court"

 I agree!

I always want to check out bakeries when I see them

They had lots to choose from

This was my pick, I didn't like them and ended up throwing them out.

My honey chose the cannoli which they filled for you right there.  It was really good.

Saw this in a store front window, guess kitties are welcome too!

We passed a little park and the children were having a great time in the water, beating the heat.

We were searching for a place to get a drink and use the facilities (which I seem to spend a lot of time doing in NYC) and this fellow in a wheelchair stopped us and asked if we had ever heard of the movie Grease.  Of Course it is one of my favorite all time movies, I wanted to be Sandy as a kid.  Anyway, he said he was in the movie and was just out raising money and awareness for Parkinson's (which he has).  He signed a photocopied picture for us.  If I'd been thinking, I would have got a photo with him but my mind was racing trying to picture him in the movie.

I googled him when we got back to the hotel.  It turns out he only had a bit part in the movie and he had become a common sight rolling around the Bronx making a name for himself and monopolizing on his appearance in Grease.  And why not?  Good for him!  Made a memorable moment for us.

We found a little Turkish spot and I had this ice cold lemonade which hit the spot.  It was perfect!

My honey had the Turkish coffee, I tried a sip but it was far too strong for me.

Their décor was funky, I loved it. They had this hand painted counter

and a very unique light fixture.

We made our way back to the subway to head over to Brooklyn.
The had the 2015 version of this up and the number of people killed in 2015 is 50.  Everytime I see these signs the first thing it makes me think is how on earth could you be struck by a train and NOT be killed.  They go so fast, it just boggles my mind.

I was trying to show how hot and sweaty I was (I know, gross)  and all I was doing was sitting on the subway.

Because of the hot weather I have been drinking copious amounts of these, iced coffees.  They aren't something I normally have but I have been drinking crazy amounts of them this trip.  No wonder I spend so much of my time searching for washrooms!

We tried Paulie Gee's again and this time we were seated right away.

We met Paulie Gee last year when we ate here.  My honey is totally into pizza ovens and loves going to places that have them and checking them out.

He had the Hellboy pizza, it had hot honey on it which wasn't his thing, but I really liked it.

I was planning on having the Cherry Jones which we tried last year and I adored but last minute opted for the Brisket Five-O.  It had gouda and pickled pineapple and I love pineapple on my pizza.  It was good but next time I am definitely going to stick to the Cherry Jones.

The show we saw tonight was She Loves Me.  This was My Honey's pick and he did a great job.  Jane Krakowski was in it so it was cool to see her live.  The lead actress, Laura Benanti, played Sadie Stone in the series Nashville and I was surprised to learn that she had more of a broadway background than a television one.  I am a huge Nashville fan and am so hoping it gets picked back up by some network, any network.  There were a few other familiar faces in the show too which is always pretty neat.  Seems like lots of the actresses and actors we see in various shows have Law and Order: SVU listed under their television credits.  Just something I noticed.
We enjoyed the show immensely.

My feet swell up every time we come here and this time is turning out to be no exception.

Well another busy day full of adventure is over.
Until next time, be happy!

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