Wednesday 13 July 2016

Weigh In Wednesday #3

Today was time to face the music.  I figured I would be up after my vacation and I was right.
254.4 - That's a gain of 4.8 lbs!

Could have been worse so I am ok.  Funny thing is, I am too okay.  I wanted to get started on some kind of program/life style change and was all gung-ho to get started once I got home from vacation but I am having trouble kicking my butt into gear.

It's been a good day.  The superintendent of the new district I will be working for was at the office today.  He seems like a nice fellow and I think he is going to be good to work for.

My honey went off to his parents to visit for a few days as he still has some vacation time left.  I may go up there on the weekend to join him but haven't decided yet.  My car needs some work done and I am taking it in Friday morning but not sure how long it will take. Guess I will wait and decide then.
We are so fortunate at work to have all Fridays off in the summer so long weekends all summer long for us, YIPEE!

In other news, my swelling is finally going down.  My ankles transform into cankles when I travel so I am happy to see my own ankles returning. 

Here is a comparison

 This was taken Monday while sitting in the airport.
This was taken tonight, my ankles are pretty much back to normal.

So short one today, until next time, be happy!

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