Saturday 16 July 2016

New York City Day 8 - Catch Up

We slept in extremely late today as we got back so late last night.
It was close to 2 pm before we even left the hotel room which is a bummer because we missed a large part of the day.  It is vacation though after all, so it was nice to have a lazy morning too.

The first thing we did when we left the hotel room was to look for somewhere to eat.  We headed to the Spring St. area just to wander around and of course we settled on a pizza place for "breakfast".
We tried a slice from Lombardi's last year when we went on Scott's Pizza Tour and it was good so we had always planned on going back.

We had meatballs for an appetizer.  They seem giant to me but I think it's the norm here.  At home I usually make them smaller.  They were good.

The pizza was good too.  I love when they put the pepperoni on top of the cheese so it ends up getting crispy.  Yum yum.

Afterwards we just walked around and saw the sites.

 Awesome graffiti art.

 and other things that just caught our eye.

We'll never run out of things to see.

Pretty cool handrail, plus I loved that the place was pink!

I was searching for Dragon Ball Z things for my son and came across these awesome little phone cases.  If I had an IPhone I would so have one of these right now.  I did end up getting my son a wallet but forgot to take a picture.

We stopped at a little bakery and bought this, it looks like a big turd, ha ha!  It tasted ok, it just had chocolate mouse inside.

And I have just been on a frozen yogurt kick lately so we stopped for one of those.  My Honey definitely chose healthier toppings than I did.

I was all about the chocolate!

Then because we had such a late start to the day, before we knew it, it was time for our show.  Tonight we saw "Waitress".  It was my pick and not sure why it stood out to me but I am glad I picked it.  It was sweet and funny.  Kimiko Glenn, a regular from the show, Orange is the New Black, was in it.  She was great, she is so tiny in real life.  In the play she tries online dating and meets this fellow - Ogie.  He sings her this song "Never Ever Getting Rid of Me" and it was my favorite part of the whole show.  It was hilarious.

After the show, we went to a little diner on 8th for a snack (I can't remember the name).  I ordered the deep fried ravioli.  This is what it looked like (not what I was expecting), it reminded me more of egg rolls than anything.  I didn't really care for it.

Luckily My Honey ordered the Nachos so I helped him eat those!

We headed back to the room after that as we want to get a bit earlier of a start tomorrow.

Until next time, be happy!

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