Saturday 16 July 2016

New York City Day 10 - Catch Up

Today's adventure started off in Queens.  There was a little Cuban place My Honey wanted to try so that is where we headed first.

I wonder how they get up so high to paint on the tops of the buildings?

I love how there are trees in amongst all the buildings and they are so full and green. 

This is the spot My Honey wanted to try.

He's pretty happy to have made it here.

We started off with their soup special.  It doesn't look all that wonderful but it tasted good.

Then we had a Cuban feast, My Honey just loves beans and rice so this was right up his alley.
I enjoyed the chicken, it had a garlic sauce on it which was very tasty.  I am glad we made it there so he could try it out.

There was lots going on down in this part of town. 

We came across a little street market.  I found a Dragon Ball Z key chain for my son.

There just happened to be a frozen yogurt place there so of course we had to get one.  Not hard to tell whose is whose!

Just some of the sights.

Hmmm, not sure how inviting this pub looks with that kind of name?

I've always romanticized about sitting on one of these fire escapes on a hot summer night, reading a book and sipping on something cold. 

This was another spot that we went to last year and really liked so we decided to give it another go.

We were able to get a table outside, Score!

My Honey ordered this crazy looking burger.

I went for the Frito Pie which is like a taco in a bag.  First time I have ever tried it and I enjoyed it.

I also got this because they had it.  I loooove corn bread so if they have it on a menu, I order it.

Pretty awesome mural!

What a fantastic concept for a store.

The portraits on display were just so cute.

Just look at their expressions!  What pet lover wouldn't love to have their pet immortalized this way?

Funky big apple in the Big Apple!

We stopped at Barne's & Noble so I could use their facilities and My Honey could pick up a cook book for his mom.  This is a close up of one of the pillars inside the store.  Wow.

Saw a couple books that sparked my interest so took pictures to remind myself of them later.

Think I'll go on Amazon and order them up tonight.

This goofy book caught My Honey's attention and he purchased it.  He figures it will be a cool souvenir of the current political happenings. (FYI - we are NOT Trump supporters)

We walked from 33rd St. up to 45th St. and as usual, I love seeing all the trees.

A little Urban Space full of little restaurants.  We ate here before and probably would have again but forgot all about it until we happened upon it tonight.

Just a regular scene in the city and I love it. 

This plant holder was as tall as me.

Our last show for this trip.  They changed up the plot a bit from the movie but I liked the little twist they gave it.  It was a last minute choice and I am so glad we went to it.

That's a wrap for today's happenings.

Until next time, be happy.

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