Thursday 28 July 2016

Quick PEI Trip

Time to play a bit of catch up again.  After receiving the terrible news about Ryan we immediately started making plans to head to PEI.  Ryan meant a lot to us so it was important for us to be there.

My first glimpse of my beloved island.

There it is, the Charlottetown airport.  I love that it is such a small airport.

Even though we are here to mourn with our family over the loss of someone so dear to us, I am happy at the same time that we will all be together.  I love my big, huge, crazy family.  It is huge too, we counted and starting with my grandmother and adding in children, grand children, great grand children and spouses, there are 129 of us. Of those we have lost 16.  Sometimes I look at my Grandma and just think how if it weren't for her and my Grandfather, none of us would be here.  Pretty crazy.

The moon was looking particularly beautiful on the water tonight.  My Uncle pulled over so we could get a few shots of it.

My phone doesn't take awesome pictures in the dark but I think this turned out pretty good.  Even though it was so beautiful out we didn't stick around long because it was polluted with mosquitos.

 The first thing that happened when we arrived at my grandmothers was that the neighbour brought over these! Real sweet, juicy, very ripe, red all the way through strawberries.  I was thrilled.

 There even happened to be biscuits around and whipped cream so voila, my favorite dessert, strawberry shortcake.

For some reason my cousin thought it would be funny to get me with the whipped cream, so I ended up with a nose full.  Food fights in my family are a pretty common occurrence, part of why I love them so much!

 This is the view I've loved since childhood, my Grandma's place.
 This is the view from the road.

 And this is the view looking the other way.  I love the view of the water, it never grows old.

It was my grandma's birthday this week, she turned 91.  She has been through so much and still has so much faith.  She is a true hero to me.  The whole family came over to hang out, have supper and celebrate this awesome lady's birthday!
 Just some pics of the family hanging out.
 My cousin and his daughter.

 My mom and my brother.

 Returning from their "wine retrieval" mission.

My son and his girl, my cousin and my mamma.
 Turns out my son's girlfriend happened to be on the island visiting family so she got to come over and visit the whole family.  Pretty brave of her, there are so many of us it could be overwhelming but she handled it like a trooper.

 Eddie the dog was entertaining the kiddos and the kiddos were entertaining me.

 True Canadian pride right there!

 Seeing all the family just hanging out makes my heart happy.

 The next generation, he's a stylin' little dude.

Hmmm, think he's bitten off more than he can chew!

 Then YAY, the best surprise ever!  My sister's ex happened to come to the Island so we got to pick the boys up for a night. Warning, lots of adorable nephew pictures to follow.

 We took them to a small local parade.  Everyone is getting ready with their loot bags to collect some candy.

 LOVE these two little guys soooo much.

 Looking for the parade.

 Waiting patiently, still hasn't started.

 This guy was tossing rootbeer lollipops, yum!

 Because tis the season and my Auntie made fresh biscuits, picked up more strawberries and treated myself to another one of these.

Pretty proud of himself for blowing a "bubble"

 Sharing their loot from the parade.

 Neighbours left for the day so we borrowed their pool, haha.

 Action shot.

Fearless - what big brother does, little brother does too.

 There are so many "flowers" in the yard that the lawn looks purple in places.

 Love flowers in bloom.

 Trying to get the horses attention (her name is Mandy)

 Wonder if Mandy likes carrots?

 Yes I think she does.

 D's turn to feed Mandy.

 Mandy is a recent addition to the family and this was our first time meeting her.

 One of my favorite snacks.

 Getting ready to go back to Dad's, so need pics with Nanny....

 and with Auntie A.

 Have to do a silly face one, they are the most fun.

 Stopped for ice cream on the way.

Moon Mist - best kid flavor ever.

Love this goofy grin.

 This was during a serious game of I Spy with My Little Eye.  He looks so grown up, makes me a little sad.

 My friend's sister has this beautiful fence set up in her yard. I took a picture hoping my honey could replicate it at home.

 A closer view.  She has done a ton of work on her property and it is just gorgeous.

 This treat was waiting for me when I got back to my Grandma's

 No trip to PEI is complete with out an order of fries with the works and...


 Just a few more shots on the way to the airport.

 I try to drink in the scenery as much as I can when I am heading home, especially the water.  There is just no other place in the world that means as much to me.

The rolling hills are gorgeous too.

It was a quick trip but I am so glad that we went.  Saying good bye to Ryan was tough but being with the family helped to ease the sorrow a little. 

Until next time, be happy.

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