Tuesday 12 July 2016

Back to Work

So I got a little behind with my NYC posts.  Time just kind of slipped away and we had a few late nights so I was too tired to fiddle around on the computer when I finally got back to the hotel room.  I want to document each day for my own sake though so I hope to get all up to date by the weekend.

We got home last night around 10:20pm after a long day of traveling. I put a few groceries away, unpacked a bit then hopped into bed.  It was nice to be back in my own bed.

6:00am arrived to soon that's for sure!  Even though it was nice out, I didn't walk to work this morning as I wanted to get to work early and start getting caught up on all the stuff I'd missed over vacation.  I knew I had lots of printing to do!

I ended up chatting with the girls for a while, telling them all about our vacation and getting caught up on the goings on around the office while I was away.

It was a busy morning and it flew by.  When I went home for lunch, I saw this little fellow outside our office door.  By the time I got my camera he'd already made it over to the building next door.

When I got home for lunch, I found "Little Blair" sitting in my spot, the little bugger.

The afternoon went by pretty quickly too.  I decided at the end of the work day to invite my family over for cake as I missed my mom's birthday while we were away.  I called My Honey (who is still on vacation for the next week) and he said he would whip up a cake (what a doll he is!)  He made me a delicious supper too.

The white cake he makes is so moist and delicious, I just love it.

 And who doesn't love fresh strawberries, slightly mashed with a bit of sugar, yum yum!  It's my very favorite dessert, hands down.

Looks like my a few other folks enjoyed it too, my baby brother....

and my beautiful niece.

My son was happy to find we had left over corn on the cob.

And this little guy just loves getting into things.  My nephew is so busy that it is hard to catch a good picture of him, they always come out blurry because he just won't sit still.
He is such a handsome little guy, he is so entertaining.

He found the mixing cups!

I always enjoy getting together with my family.  I feel blessed to have them!

Wanted to hit the hay early tonight and it's already 9pm.  Time sure does fly when you are having fun.

That's it for now.  Until next time, be happy!

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