Thursday 28 July 2016

Wake Up Call

I forgot to weigh in yesterday so I did it today and it wasn't a surprise, I was expecting it to be bad and it was. 

This is the highest weight I have ever been.
I need to treat this as a wake up call.  I have been just eating whatever I want, however much I want and I have not been exercising at all.

I know that I want to be healthy and exercise but I just can't seem to get my but in gear and just do it.

Years ago when I was battling depression I was seeing a therapist and I was desperate for her to just tell me what to do to get out of the depression.  I wanted this magic cure but all she kept saying was that I just had to do it.  I struggled with that because I felt like I was trying everything - medication, self help books, therapy, but it just wasn't happening.  Eventually I moved across the country, met new friends, got a new job and then one day I realized that I had DONE IT.  Then I understood what she had been saying all along.  It wasn't an overnight thing and all those things that I was doing were helping me.  I was looking for the quick fix but I had work to do and I kept at it and I did it.  I think the other part of it was that I always believed I would and I did..

So I don't want to beat myself up over my weight.  I believe that if I keep at it, keep trying, keep believing that I can conquer this, then I will.  I need to start though, I need to be do something.  There is no quick fix and I need to work at it. 

So this is the highest my weight has ever been, it is also the highest it ever will be.  I have 50 runs to complete and I am going to do it.

 She believed she could so she did!

Had lunch with my coworkers today to celebrate a birthday.  I'm so glad that I have such a great bunch to work with.

It's the start of an extra long weekend and My Honey is on days off so we are headed out for the weekend on an adventure.  Not sure where we are going but it will be somewhere in Alberta.  I am hoping we get a chance to try kayaking or river rafting but whatever we end up doing, I am certain that it will be fun.

That's it for now, until next time, be happy!

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