Thursday 14 July 2016

New York City Day 7 - Baltimore - Catch Up

I am still playing catch up with documenting our New York City Trip. 

We had an early start today, 4:00am.  We had a train to Baltimore booked for 5:30am so we needed to be out of the room by 4:30am to get over to Penn Station on time.

We started taking one day train trips while in New York so we could visit a nearby city for the day.  Our first one was to Washington DC, then we went to Philadelphia for the day last year.  We really like getting to visit "extra" cities and the train ride is fun too. For our 3rd train trip we randomly decided on Baltimore.

Off to a good start, we caught the train on time!
My honey is napping already.

We were treated to some gorgeous scenery along the way.

The train station was a beautiful, old building, check out those skylights.

This sculpture was right outside of the train station, from one point of view it depicts a male and then from another point of view it depicts a female.

It was still early when we arrived so there weren't that many people out and about yet.
This is the harbour front area, it was very quiet and pretty.

Gorgeous water front area.

  The water was nice and calm too, it was shaping up to be a gorgeous day.

Look at those cool paddle boats.  I hoped we would have time to take one out for a spin but we ran out of time.

We walked around the water front area for a bit and I think this is the grandest Barnes & Nobles store I have ever seen.

This fishy sculpture was out front, I liked it.

By 11:00 am it was already hot outside so these kids were cooling off in the water fountains, I took a turn getting my feet wet too.  It felt nice.

Whenever we can do a bus tour of a city, we do.  This was a trolley tour and it's a great way to see a city and figure out places you want to go back to and explore further.  Plus the guides usually know lots of history and information.  Ours today was a history buff and he even assumed different voices and accents while telling us stories.  I love that he was so into his job!

We passed these folks hard at work, looks like they were putting the road back together piece by piece.

Some more of the sights from the trolley tour.
The Shot Tower where they manufactured lead shots. By the time they get to the bottom they are perfectly round, neat!

Such details on the buildings, so amazing.

The color of this church was so unique. 

The trolley dropped us off back at the waterfront, this is another great view of it

 This little thing was docked there, I wouldn't mind spending a few days on it that's for sure.

We purchased a full day hop on ~ hop off pass for the water taxi so we could head over to another section of town and wander around.  We sure got our money's worth out of that deal.

First place we came across was Insomnia Cookies so of course we had to give them a try.

I saw this sign and figured that it is probably a good thing that I don't live nearby!

We wandered around a little more, I thought this little area of town was charming, like an old fashioned town square.

I thought this was an interesting piece.

We looked for a little place that My Honey wanted to try and found it not too far away

It was featured on Diners, Drive-Ins & Dives and looks like Guy Fieri left his mark behind.

I liked the artwork on their menu cover

These were their specials so we ordered one of each.

His - Sweet Baby Jesus

Hers - Captain Crunch French Toast
It did not disappoint!

We jumped back on the water ferry (getting our monies worth) and just stayed on from stop to stop mainly to enjoy being out on the water on this lovely day.

Bet these folks have great, unobstructed views, there was nothing else near to it even close to the same height.

Another great view of the harbor front area from the water.

This is one of those absolutely awesome inventions for cleaning garbage and debris out of the water.

We even came across a Pirate Ship.

And this is the Under Armour headquarters.  Apparently they are very healthy lifestyle oriented and a super company to work for.

We saw this place while on the trolley tour and it looked interesting so we went back to check it out.

They only display work by artists that have never had any formal training.
Some of the stuff they dream up and create was amazing.

Reminds me of a cuckoo clock.

The welcoming committee at the entrance.

I used to say these lines to my son every night when I tucked him in.

The Flatulence Display or as I like to call it.......

Hee hee, makes me wonder how some peoples minds work.

This head sculpture invited you to come inside (that's me in there),  the tongue/inside of the mouth was made with some kind of squishy substance which was quite comfortable to lie on.

When you looked up inside all these LED lights were on and "dancing" along with some music that was playing.  What an awesome hang out spot for a party.

I liked the head fountains and the birds nest balcony.

A giant pink poodle, why not?

We learned that there was a group of immigrants that came over and started this screen art and it just boomed.  They were all hand painted and I think they are pretty fabulous, wouldn't mind finding one for my front door at home or even for one of our windows. 

Fabulous Diva!

Jumbo elephant - what's not to enjoy about that?

This model of Coney Island was very detailed.

I think they must hold functions in this upstairs area, but right now it is all for me!

Even the sidewalk had this great mural.

Taking a road trip in this would cause a stir, would create a few smiles too so it would totally be worth it.

Makes you just want to go in and check the place out.

Awesome doors.

There is just so much beauty everywhere.

And because we are so close to the ocean, we opted for seafood for supper.
PEI Mussels

Oysters on the half shell


Then it was back to the station to catch the train back to NYC.  Our train was scheduled to leave at 9:10 pm but ended up being delayed until 10:30 pm.  That got us back to NYC 1:00 am and to our hotel in Queens by about 1:40 am.

It was a super long day but we loved it.  We didn't know what to expect from Baltimore really but were impressed.  It is a great city with a homey feel and I know we will go back to explore it further one day.

Until next time, be happy!

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