Sunday 17 July 2016

Sad Saturday

Got this morning off to a great start with one of my favorites

 Peanut butter and banana wrap.

Got my coffee brewing in the new mug I bought for myself.

And picked out a movie to watch on Netflix.
Pretty relaxing morning.

Then I went over to feed the kitty that I am babysitting.  Isn't she pretty?  Look at those blue eyes.

Made myself a trusty favorite for lunch.

My mom was babysitting tonight so I went over to visit, this little guy can be so goofy.  Look at that face though.

Left the gate open for a minute and each chance he gets, this is right where he heads for!

Just chillin' with Nanny.  I sure do love this little guy.

Unfortunately we ended up getting some tragic new this evening.

A cousin back home in PEI was killed in an accident.  Such a tragedy.
He was so young and we will miss him dearly.
He loved his family and would do anything for them.  He was always excited when we would all go there to visit and went out of his way to do things for us whether it be take us for a sail or get us some seafood. I have so many great memories of good times that we have all had together.  He had a young daughter whom he just adored.  He was such a fun,loving guy.   Our hearts are broken and a big empty space is left behind now that nothing can ever fill.

Love you Ryan.

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