Friday 15 July 2016

Early Start

Well I ended up getting to bed last night way later than I intended.
I was drawn into a google scavenger hunt for information about the folks on Return to Amish.
So I was tired when I got up this morning but was still on the road by 7 am so I could made my 8 am car appointment.

After dropping off my car, I headed to Subway for some breakfast.  It is my favorite fast food spot and I haven't been there in a while so I really enjoyed it.

I had planned to walk around and do some shopping while waiting for my car but hadn't figured in that by doing so, I would end up having to carry around all of my purchases.  So instead I decided to pamper myself a little since I had lots of time to fill up today.

I got a manicure and then decided what the heck.....

and got a pedicure too.

Instead of agonizing over which design to pick (choosing a color was difficult enough) I told the technician to just do whatever design she wanted.  I was pleased with the outcome.

Next I headed to a nearby park that I think is just wonderful.  Being by the water is so soothing for me and the fountain is like an extra bonus.

If I lived closer, I think I would be a regular.

I was on the ball enough this morning to throw a blanket and a book in my bag so I spread out the blanket and got started on the book.  I had purchased it to read on the plane when we flew to NYC but ended up not getting around to even starting it.

These two little guys were enjoying the water just a few feet away from me.

My sister in law sent me this picture of my nephew.  I thought it was hilarious.  He sure looks proud of himself!  Such a little cutie.

 My car ended up taking longer than expected so I wandered around the store waiting for it to be ready.  They have these cool pieces in the store and even though I have seen them before, I am still kind of amazed and confused when I see them.  Amazed because they are really awesome but confused because I am not sure why they are just there in the store.  They aren't for sale or anything, I guess the store owner just likes them?  It's weird and cool at the same time.

On a side note, even though it took longer than expected and they warned me that some of the seized parts they wanted to remove, lubricate and reinstall may break in the process and would have to be replaced, they ended up charging me exactly what they quoted me. He knew I was worried because having to replace those parts could potentially double the cost and he assured me they would try their best to be careful when removing the parts to avoid breakage as best they could.  When he informed me that they were successful and nothing broke, I was so pleased because I often feel when I get work done to my car that they are taking advantage of me. 

To show my appreciation, I stopped at Tim Horton's and bought muffins and cookies and took them back to them as a Thank You.  I was happy to do it and I hope it added a little bright spot to their day.

Finally at 3 pm my car was ready so since I was in the area, I headed to my favorite summer time spot for a treat.  I tried the Rolo and Honeyberry Cheesecake today and both were delicious.

After my treat I picked up a few groceries, ran a few errands and then headed back home.  Just outside of town I saw a big black bear on the side of the road just hanging out.  By the time I pulled over and got my camera ready he had sauntered into the woods so no picture unfortunately.  It is always exciting to see one though.

I stopped at my friend's to feed her cat and her flowers are starting to bloom so I thought I should send her a picture of them so she could enjoy them even though she is away.

They are absolutely beautiful.

I was unsure about this color but the more I look at the more pleased I am with it.

When I got home, I put away the groceries and some laundry and then drew myself a nice bubble bath so I could just relax and read some more of the book.

I was so engrossed in the book that I was unaware that the water had turned cold and I was starting to shiver.  I just added a bit more hot water and stayed in there and finished the book.  My poor feet look pretty shrivelled up right now.

  I decided not to head to the In Laws just because the car repair lasted far longer than expected so it will be a few more days now until I see My Honey.

All in all it has been a good day though and I still have the rest of the weekend ahead of me to relax.
Woo - Hoo!

Until next time, be happy.

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