Thursday 30 June 2016

New York City 2016 Day 1 - We're Here!

We took the red eye from Edmonton last night and finally made it here this morning.
Luggage made it safe and sound too.

First order of business, wait in line for a cab!

After we dropped off our luggage at the hotel we headed to Central Park to hang out until our room was ready for us to check in.  Saw these guys sharing a bucket of oats!

This was a great treat for today. It was melting hot out there!

We just lazed around the park for the rest of the morning.

This was my view.

Central Park is just so beautiful and there are so many wonderful things to discover there.  We haven't even scratched the surface.

I have a thing for trees.

We saw this lady walking her dog and tried to grab a photo but were not quick enough.  Then we just happened to see her again a couple hours later.  I call this the Dreadlock Doggie, poor thing must have been just roasting today.

We headed back to Queens and stopped at Court Square Diner for lunch.   I had the gyro platter and the salad that came with it was delish. 

After we had a nap in our teeny tiny room, we headed back to Manhattan to see the show we had booked for tonight.  It was good, lots of dancing, reminded me of the old movies I love to watch.

Before hopping on the subway back to the hotel, we just had to grab a slice, we are in NYC after all.
It was only .99 for a slice and it was really good.  Just as good as any we have ever had.

Looking forward to having a nice sleep tonight in our cozy little room.
Until next time, be happy!

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