Wednesday 22 June 2016

Weigh In Wednesday

Even though I only just weighed myself on Monday, I want to get in the habit of weighing myself weekly on Wednesday's so I went ahead and weighed in today.

I was down slightly from Monday which was great and I was wearing heavy jeans today as opposed to the light capris I wore on Monday so that's good.  Honestly, besides walking to and from work, I don't feel like I have "started" any new kind of plan.  I don't want to make this whole thing so difficult that I won't keep up so my plan is baby steps for now.

On the way to work this morning I was startled by this vicious guard dog.  Ha ha, he (or she) just ran a few circles around me whilst barking.  Think it was just an excited "hello".

I tried the avocado toast for lunch today with the addition of feta and a touch of siracha.  It was so delicious, it is definitely being added to the meal roster. 

Last Friday they made an announcement (via an email), that there would be some structure changes happening at work.  I currently work at a district office and we have 5 field areas that we take care of.  It was announced that the 5 field areas in our district would be moved into 3 other district areas thus eliminating our district.  The field folks were ok as their jobs would continue business as usual, just under a different umbrella, but us office folk were obviously concerned for our jobs.  Although change can be a good thing, it is difficult to imagine.  I feel fortunate to have a job that I enjoy and to work with people that I genuinely like.  We are like a family and the idea that this could all change was a bit scary.  Friday was a sleepless night for me as I kept imagining all these different scenarios but our minds were finally put at ease today.  So far, it looks like there won't be huge changes.  We may all be working for different districts, but we will still stay in the same offices so YAY! That was definitely a relief!

Had another delicious salad for supper tonight.  So refreshing, I could have eaten a whole giant bowl of it by myself.

But my guy made spaghetti for supper too so I had to stick to one bowl of salad.
The spaghetti was worth it though, my honey's first spaghetti sauce recipe he created back when he was 12 (he has always been interested in cooking) and it was much better than any recipe I would have cooked up at 12.

He is also currently trying to perfect his chocolate chip cookie recipe.  This version he made last night has walnuts added.  They smelled so delightful when he took them out of the oven last night.  I resisted though, which was so difficult, but I just reminded myself - baby steps! I consider that a huge victory!

Instead I took a few to some coworkers today and they were totally appreciative.

That's all for today folks.  Until next time, Be Happy!

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