Friday 24 June 2016

Rainy Day

Woke up to a wet wonderland today so no walking to work for me.

Thought maybe I could get a walk in at lunch time but it continued to rain, rain, rain all day long.

Found out at work that our lead admin is going to be transferring to another office.  She has been with this office for 22 years so I am going to create a photo book for her of all the office events she has been part of over the years and also some of her coworkers as a remembrance for her.  We have tons of pictures from the office and when I was going through them all I came across this one of me from a few years back.  I was about 70 lbs lighter back then and I felt great.  Instead of letting it get me down, I am looking at it like a possibility and a reminder that if I believe I can succeed, I will!

My dear mother helped me out with touching up my roots tonight.  I like to do a box dye every other time or two because a) it's way cheaper and b) it gives my hair a break from the bleaching needed to get streaks. 

It takes 3 whole boxes of this to do my hair. (Still cheaper than a salon though).

Here are a couple before shots:

and TA-DA, the after! Doesn't exactly look chocolate brown but it will do.

It's Friday so I am going to celebrate with some Diet Pepsi, popcorn and a movie on Netflix. In my opinion there is no better way to spend a rainy evening.
Until next time, be happy!

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