Tuesday 21 June 2016

Welcome to my Blog!

Welcome to my life.  I have been wanting to write a blog for about a year now and I am such a procrastinator that I am just finally getting around to it.  Aside from the fact that I want to get healthier and lose some weight (a lot of weight actually) and I thought a blog would help to keep me accountable, I have always loved journaling and thought this would be a great way to capture my day to day life.

I came up with a name for my blog the other day when I was just sitting around thinking.  I have always planned to run a marathon some day (even though I am not a runner) and I figured creating a challenge for myself would be a great way to get started on the path to that goal.  Hence, 50 x 50 was born.  I told my honey of my idea and he started this blog up for me the very next day!

So what is 50 x 50 anyway?  I know that in order to run a full marathon I will have to obviously partake in some training.  I also planned on completing some shorter distances first in order to work my way up to the "Big One"!  I am currently 44 and want to run the full marathon before I turn 50.  So the idea kind of grew from there.  Over the course of the next 5-6 years I am going to complete 50 runs.  The 50 will include at least a 5K, a 10K, a 1/2 marathon and a full marathon.  They will be "official" runs in that I will be signing up for them and completing them with other folks.  That is, if I just go out and do a 5k run on my own, it will not count toward my goal.

I know I can do it and i am excited to get started.  Along the way, I am hoping to lose some of these excess pounds.  I know it is a tough goal but I also believe that I can accomplish it.

I wanted to include my current weight so here is my weigh in from yesterday morning.

The photo is a little dark, but there it is, 250.2.  The highest I have ever been and I feel like I am about to burst.  I plan to make Wednesdays my weigh in day from now on.

As for the rest of my day, I came home to an awesome supper prepared by my guy (all from scratch).
The salad was so fresh and delicious, I could eat it every day.

Then ended off the evening with Awards Night at the school.

My neice recieved a couple, one for honours in English and I am a pretty proud Auntie that's for sure!

That's it for now.  My first post is out of the way, should be smooth sailing from here on out.

Until next time, be happy!

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