Monday 27 June 2016

Hello Monday!

Yesterday went pretty much as planned, spent the day housecleaning and doing laundry.  Got it all done, then just chilled and enjoyed it.  Caught up on some PVR'd episodes of Outlander too. 

Woke up to SUNSHINE this morning.  Seeing that sun is like an instant mood booster!

So of course that meant I was back to walking to work this morning.  Took a different route though just to change it up.  I have to walk through a dirt yard this way but luckily it was pretty dry even after all the rain we've been having.

And there is the office.  I just love this time of the year when everything is so green.

Back to avocado toast for lunch but added some tomatoes today.  Still just as good as ever.  Quick and easy too.

I had a little project to work on today, a memento of our Kolor Run we put on for a local girl battling cancer.  I discovered that you could get these little "mini" picture prints at Walmart and they were just perfect for what I had in mind.

I hope she likes it.

Ended up having to take the long way around to my backyard after work as this horrible little creature was lounging on my back doorstep.  Bugs don't usually scare me but these things do,  they are big and they bite. I avoid them as much as possible.

When I did get to the backyard, I put my feet up and enjoyed a fudge stick.  So yummy on a hot sunny day.  I couldn't stop thinking about the fellow on the doorstep though so I wasn't out there long.  When my honey got home from work, I sent him out there to take care of business but Mr. Bug had moved on (lucky for him)! 

I made supper for once tonight if you can call it that, I really just chopped up veggies for wraps. We are heading out on vacation in two days so we need to get our produce eaten up.  (My honey ended up helping with the chopping, just can't keep that fellow out of the kitchen!) 

Until next time, be happy!

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