Saturday 25 June 2016

Saturday is Here!

On the road early today to make it to an appointment out of town.  Saw this little fellow on the way, he was being camera shy.

My mother, myself and my darling little niece had a few things to take care of, like these......

Being pampered is on my favorite things to do list.

I think my niece enjoys it too!

Deciding on a colour is impossible, and then you aren't done, you have to pick a design too. This is just one of the design displays, they have several! 

The end result.....

I ended up getting my nails done too.  I love being "matchy-matchy"!  It's my thing!

Next stop, lunch at good ole Timmie's.  Iced coffee was extra tasty today.

After some errands it was time for a treat from this cute little place (I love all things pink).


In the winter I barely touch the stuff or even think of it but in the summer I turn into a fiend.  Especially if it is hard ice cream.  Deciding on a flavour is just as hard as picking a nail color so I usually end up with two.  Today's flavour choices - Orange Float & Rootbeer Float.  I was delighted with my choice.

Our final stop was the garden center, the hanging baskets they had were just gorgeous.

Again, so many to choose from, how does one decide?  In this case, you don't, you get one of each.

These are all coming home with us!

My honey cooked me a delicious supper again.  I am spoiled but I recognize it and am extremely appreciative.

Now movie/pretzel time then early to bed.  Big day of laundry and housecleaning tomorrow, can't wait!  (Total sarcasm there in case you didn't catch it!)

Until next time, be happy!

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