Tuesday 21 June 2016

A Little From My Day

A beautiful start to my morning with a scenic walk to work.  The 20 minute trek really does wonders for the soul.

 I feel fortunate to be able to walk to work in the morning, especially on sunny days!

My co-worker left a bran muffin on my desk, she knows I love the raisin-free ones. 
What a great treat for breakfast.

Hopped on the band wagon and tried avocado toast for supper.  Just toast, avocado, salt & pepper.  It was tasty.  I've seen several different combos and think we'll try adding a bit of feta cheese next time.

Followed up with fresh grapes and cherries.  The grapes were cold and sweet and crisp.  Yum yum!

Time for my monthly massage tonight.  She treated me to some facial cupping and reflexology too.  Once a month hardly seems like enough.

And the evening ended on this note, RAINBOW.  I think it's always neat to see a rainbow.

That's all for now.  Until next time, be happy.

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