Tuesday 28 June 2016

Another One Bites the Dust!

Another beautiful, sun shiny morning.  I sure do love summer.

Sorry to report though that I had to say good-bye to a very important part of my life.  My awesome pink blow dryer finally bit the dust.  We had a good 2 1/2 year run though so I can be thankful for that.  Looks like we'll be making a stop in the city tomorrow for a new one.  Hope there is another pretty pink one out there waiting to come home with me.

Got all registered for my first of 50 runs.  A bunch of the ladies I work with signed up as well.  I am looking forward to it.  I think it will be a fun time.

This is not going to be a cheap challenge but that's ok, I think the benefits will far outweigh the downfalls.

Still trying to use up veggies so whipped up this lovely salad for lunch.  It was filling and delicious. 

Today's after work, summer sun snack.  It was melting faster than I could eat it.

And this is happening tonight.........

YAY!  Packing for our trip.  We are heading out tomorrow right after work. I am starting to get excited.  I love going on an adventure.  This will be our 7th time to New York City and we haven't grown one eensy bit tired of it. Already have 3 broadway shows, a food tour and a Statue of Liberty tour booked.  Will be busy but fun.

My "little" baby boy came over for supper tonight.  He's going to watch our place while we are away, plus I always like to see him right before we head out on a trip so I can hug him and tell him how much I love him!  He may be grown but he'll always be my little boy.

My darling niece was kind enough to straighten my hair for me tonight.  I usually wear it curly but straight is nice for a change every now and then.  My arms get too tired so I don't normally do it myself.  She did a great job!

Off to finish up my packing now.  Until next time, be happy!

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