Wednesday 29 June 2016

Weigh In Wednesday #2

Another sunny day in the neighborhood!  I almost talked myself out of walking this morning as I still have a few things to pack and was a bit later than usual getting out the door but changed my mind at the very last minute and walked to work.  I am glad I did, I always feel better when I do.

Weigh In Day!  So not a big change again but that's ok, I wasn't expecting one.  We will be away on vacation so there will be no weigh in next week.  I wanted to get a feel for where I am now as I will be putting more effort into weight loss when I get back from vacation.

Breakfast this morning was good old oatmeal.  One of my favorite things for breakfast. 

My sister has been out of the country working since April of this year and my two handsome little nephews have been staying with their dad.  She arrived home today for a visit and I think the boys were pretty happy to see their mom.  They live in Nova Scotia so unfortunately I won't get to see her when she is home but she sent along these pics.  Not hard to tell that she has been working in a warm destination.
Sissy and Nephew #1
 Sissy and Nephew #2

All the girls at the office today got together for lunch one final time.  Summer is upon us and vacations are beginning so it is probably the last time we will all be together before the changes happen.  I was mortified by the size of me in this picture and the only reason I am posting is so I can compare in a years time.  I think my "baby steps" approach might have to be changed to something a bit more aggressive, we'll see.  For now I am going to enjoy vacation.
As soon as I am finished work today we will be heading to the airport.  We have a late flight tonight but we like to get to the airport super early.  I am super excited!
Signed up for another 5K today, that's number 2!
Until next time, be happy!

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