Thursday 23 June 2016

A Little About Today

My morning started off with another lovely walk to work.  It rained through the night so the ground was pretty soft and mucky but that just made it a little more adventurous!

It also means these sweet little puppies which were a birthday gift from my dear friend PP, came in mighty handy.  They are so awesome and I can even throw them straight into the washing machine to clean them (which will probably need to happen soon)!

Enjoying my morning cup of "Nantucket Blend" in my new favorite mug.  All about positivity over here!

This memory popped up on Facebook this morning.  Aww, my little cutie pie nephews.  They grow so fast.  Miss those little baby faces.

Got a new badge on my fitbit today, only took a couple years!

Got a work out in tonight, felt great, especially when I was done.  My plan was to run/jog for at least 10 minutes straight but pushed myself to do 25 minutes before resting for a minute, so proud of that.  Listened to some 'wicked' tunes while I was at it too, ha ha!  I do love me some broadway tunes and "Popular" from Wicked is one of my very favorites.

As usual, my honey cooked up a delicious supper for us.  The pita croutons were a great addition and the grilled corn is a summer favorite for me.

That's it for today.  Until next time, be happy!

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