Monday 19 August 2024

Vacation Prep (July 30, 2024)

 We are heading out on vacation tomorrow so I was busy at work today trying to get everything finished up before I go.

I did a treadmill run on my lunch hour today - a 5k run.

As always, feels good to get it done.

Freya wanted to come over for a sleep over so I stopped and picked her up on my way home from work.
She got her hair colored, half green and half pinky red.
It looks cute on her.

She loves playing with the filters on Snap Chat.
I was thinking of getting rid of it because I don't really use it but I keep it just for her to play on.

I spent the evening doing laundry and packing things so we'll be ready to hit the road first thing in the morning.
I'm excited about our trip to BC - it looks like the weather is going to be superb.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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