Wednesday 28 August 2024

It's Fri-Yay! (Aug.9, 2024)

This is the one Friday that we have to work in the summer - I forget about it every year - I think next year I'm just going to take a vacation day.

It was so quiet at the office - there was barely anyone there but I got lots done so that's good.


On my lunch hour I did a weight training workout.

It's been a long time since I've taken some full length selfies so I thought I'd take a few.
This is the side view.

Front view.
I'm a bit bigger than my lowest but I feel very good about myself right now - I'm finally learning to love my body just the way it is and appreciate it for all it does for me.

Kody & Haylee had to go to Whitecourt so I watched the girls for a bit.
Eden's bangs are so long, always hanging in her face.
So I put them up in a little ponytail and it looks so cute.

I mean - just look at this little cutie patootie.

Rocking the ponytail.

After they picked Eden up, I went down and hopped on the treadmill to get the rest of my steps in.
I just walked so it took me awhile.

My little sidekick stayed downstairs with me while I did it.
She wanted to sleepover so of course we let her.

My goodness this girl brings me so much joy - I just love her to pieces.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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