Monday 26 August 2024

Diner on Six and Davison Orchards - Kelowna Trip (Aug.3, 2024)

Jason headed out early this morning to get a run in. 

He sent me a picture of the view.

I stayed back because Freya was sleeping with us and I knew she'd be upset if she woke up and we were both gone.
When she did get up, we all hung out on the deck and just soaked up the nice weather.

Rita and Lloyd had a folding high chair that they brought for Eden to use.
I've never seen one before - so cool.

When Jason finished up his run, I went down the hill and picked him up and we decided to go out for some brunch.
This truck was parked right by where we parked and looks like they made their own hood ornament.

We found a spot called Diner on Six that had good reviews.

It was a small little place and we get there just in time because the line sure grew right after we ordered, it was out the door.

It had an outdoor patio which of course we decided to sit in - it was right beside a busy road but it was still enjoyable.

I ordered myself a latte and it was so good.

I even had to get Jason to try it because it was so good.

I'm loving this weather so much.

My handsome honey.

I ordered this santa fe type platter, it had black beans and salsa - it was just ok.
I think the food here is really good - I just happened to order something that I probably shouldn't have.

Jason had the Benny which looked way better than my meal.

We went for a walk around and found this bakery.

They had mainly bread and it looked really delicious.
I do love me some bread.

I skipped it though and got this giant trail mix cookie instead and it was superb.

The others texted and said they were heading to Davison Orchards/Farm so we drove over and met them there.
We had a nice view of the valley from there.

Lloyd paid for us all to go on a train ride for a small tour of the farm.

We made a couple stops and one of the workers got out and told us all about the farm, the irrigation, what they grow etc.
It was actually interesting.

We were all just in these little carts that were pulled around by a tractor.

Eden and Daddy.

Freya and Papa.

Lloyd and Rita.

Haylee, Zepplyn, Eden and Kody.

Crystal and I.

They had these old water tanks made into cows.

When there is a giant chair you are required to test it out and take a picture.

We met some goats.

Fed them.

It was super hot though and Freya was just done so we left and took her back to the house.
The others all left just after us as well - Poor little Eden got stung by a wasp on the way to the vehicle and she was screaming and crying and just so distraught.

By the time the got home she'd settled down but she was just exhausted - poor little dear.

I needed some steps to get to my 14,000 so Jason and I took Freya, Eden and Zepplyn and went for a walk.

Well we all walked except Freya who rode on Jason's shoulders.
The place we were staying was up on the side of a hill and it's quite a windy road so we walked down until it started getting dark then we headed back - I just felt like it was too dangerous to be on those roads in the dark.
I did get all my steps in though so all good.

Crystal and Haylee both shared some pictures on social media so I thought I would share them here as well.

Eden and that little sideways tongue of hers.

Rows of apple trees at the orchard today.

There were lots of pumpkins at the farm too.

There was this game at the farm, you could buy a little duck then have a race to see who get pump the water the fastest and get there duck to the end of the slide.

This is a carving out in front of the place we are staying.
I only noticed it tonight for the first time when we went out for our walk.

Ice cream!

Randie making use of the fire pit - him and Rob have been hanging out there quite a bit.

Mural in Kelowna.

Miss Eden.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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