Monday 15 October 2018

First Time Babysitting Baby F! (Oct.13, 2018)

I woke up at 6:30 am when My Honey left for work and there was no going back to sleep so I just went with it.

I found a movie to watch on Netflix and settled in with my coffee.
It was a cute little Christmas movie.

After the movie I made myself breakfast.
I tried these this morning, they were yummy - the pumpkin flax is still my fave though.

I cooked up a couple of eggs and some turkey to go with it and it was delicious.

Shortly after I ate, Miss H texted to see if I could come watch Baby F while she went to the hospital.
Her incision from he C-section is infected and it opened a little this morning and was bleeding.

Of course I'll go over to visit this beauty for any reason at all so I was there in a flash.
She was chilling in her swing when I got there.

She was decked out in her Halloween sleeper today.

Giving me a little wink.

Is there such a thing as too many baby pictures?
In my humble opinion, absolutely not!

We took a couple of selfies.

She was pretty happy about the whole situation.

Then I cuddled her right in and doesn't she look happy?

We stayed together this way until her mommy got home.
The doctor took a swab of her infection and that was about all he could do.
She has an appointment on Monday with her regular doctor to get a follow up so hopefully everything will be ok.

I went back home and Paddington found a new spot to hang out.

My brother called to see if I could watch Mr H while they went on a movie date night and I said sure.

First thing he wanted was My Honey's magic toolbox.

I told him he could pick one thing so he picked a harmonica.

Then he wanted to exchange that for something else.

Choice number two.

It wasn't long before he wanted an exchange again so I let him pick one more and this lizard was his final choice.

While he was doing that, I got out a little puzzle for us to do.

It's been a long time since I've made a puzzle and I don't know why because I enjoy them.
Mr H does too and he helped out a little.
He actually understand about how to fit the pieces together by their shapes and by what the picture is on them.

I had a brownie in a cup for a snack then my son called to say they'd decided to go out.
They'd asked me to sit for them tonight so they could go see Crash Test Dummies in WCT so I had my brother take mom to the airport as she flies out to NS tonight.
Then this morning, Miss H wasn't sure if she would be up to it but she was.

So I got Mr H ready, grabbed something to eat and headed over there.

Little miss was very content in her swing when we arrived.

I brought a salad kit with me, mixed it up and added a piece of chicken.

Mr H found a bag of crispers so he had snacks too.

After I fed her, she snuggled on the couch with Mr H & I.

He just loves her and is very sweet & gentle with her.

He likes to give her lots of kisses.

I tried to get him to change into his pj's but didn't have much luck.

When my brother came to pick him up, he just put his boots on and figured he was good to go.
(He wasn't of course, it was super cold outside!)
He is showing off his super gecko muscles here, ha ha!

After he left, Baby F & I watched a Christmas movie together.
It was right around midnight when they got home from the show and my brother arrived home right around the same time which was great for me.
I sleep better when I know they are all home safe & sound.

I arrived home to an empty house surprisingly.
My Honey ended up having to work super duper late tonight.
Poor guy is going to be so tired.
I figured they would have taken them out some supper but they didn't so I whipped up some instant mashed potatoes for him and he warmed up some chicken breast that I'd cooked today.

He ate then we immediately went to bed.
6 am is going to come very quickly!

We tried a corn maze once and they are quite tough - think I could manage this one though, ha ha!

More Facebook memories popped up from our NS trip back in 2014.

The leaves were in all their splendid fall colors and it was so beautiful.
I am so looking forward to getting there next week and being able to see them in all their glory again.

We took my nephews to a small town that does up these pumpkin people every year.
The theme was The Eighties.

There's Beetlejuice

Not sure who this is supposed to be?

This is my all time favorite picture of Mr D.

He is such a little charmer, he's goofy too.

Mr E wanted in on the silliness too.

Funny faces.

They got new Thomas hats.

They thought they were great!

That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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