Sunday 31 July 2016

August Long Weekend Road Trip Continues

We did a little shopping first thing this morning.  I want to make a fairy lantern for my niece so I needed to pick up a few supplies.

 I saw a few cute ideas of crafts I could do with her.  Every little girl would enjoy making a fairy garden.

 and a rock family. Such a cute idea!

 This place was featured on You Gotta Eat Here and since we were in town, we wanted to give it a try.

 My Honey ordered the Pronghorn.

 We tried the pizza skins (like potato skins but with crust).

 I tried the pyrogy pizza.  The pizza was really good, the crust was soft and chewy, we liked it a lot.
I checked in to the restaurant and posted a picture on Facebook and they responded right away and thanked us for coming.  I have checked in to lots of places on Facebook and that is the first time I ever had a response like that and I was impressed.

 We noticed lots of colorful bee boxes on our journey.  Not sure if there is a reason for it but they sure do look pretty.  When we get our bees someday, I want to paint the boxes too.

 When you come across a sign like this a photo is mandatory.

 I was expecting a life size Enterprise but pretty cool nonetheless.

 Ok, check that off the Alberta bucket list.

 Ha Ha!

 Look at the crosswalk, so awesome!

 Almost every town we passed through had a grain elevator but this was the only place we saw three together like this.

 More of those colorful bee boxes.
 What a great use of an old truck.

 Road trip selfie.

 The perks of being the passenger, I get to put my feet up!

 Blue skies + white clouds + green fields = beautiful country
 Holding Hands = LOVE

 Best road trip tunes ever!  We had three volumes to listen to, this was the favorite.  Disney tunes make me happy, especially if I know the words and can sing along. Which I do very loudly!

Tonight we are bunking at Hampton Inn & Suites in Gasoline Alley.  Pretty sweet room!
We walked over to Petes Drive In for supper but I forgot to take my phone/camera.  They had 20+ flavors of milk shakes.  My Honey tried the Marshmallow and I opted for the Rootbeer. It was delicious but I could only drink about half of it.

So one more day to go.  Have some shopping to do tomorrow but the drive home will be another wonderful journey and getting home is always nice.

Until next time, be happy.

Nanton, Waterton & Lethbridge

The hotel we stayed at turned out to have a very nice pool area so we made sure to check it out.


That sun feels so good.

After our swim we were on our way.  First stop was Nanton for.......

ICE CREAM!!!! I tried the Pistachio and Mango
The girl told us there was a pinup girl pageant about to start in the Bomber Museum so we figured we might as well check it out since we were here.

They had this Bomber on display out front, they were going to start it up but we didn't get to see that.

Love seeing that Canadian flag flying proudly.  This one was gigantic.

They had quite a nice garden beside the museum. So lovely when everything is blooming.

It was hard to get shots that weren't blurry because the girls didn't stay still much but I caught a few good ones.  This shot was my favorite.

This was the second year for this pageant, it is a fabulous idea.

Loved all the retro clothes and hair styles.

A little blurry but still caught her gorgeous smile.

 The uniform she is wearing actually belonged to her grandmother.

Another gorgeous smile.

Lined up waiting for the winners to be announced.

And the winner is!

Just some flowers I liked.

Check out this flower garden, AWESOME!
This was a cute little store we visited.

They made the head lamp there, very unique.

So much beauty everywhere.

Yup, more holly hocks.

Love how tall they are and the colours.

I always enjoy a clever sign.

These rolling pins were neat.  We decided against buying one though because chances are we probably wouldn't use it much.

We decided against this book end as well but now I am second guessing that decision. 

Ice Cream #2 today.  This time I had Canadian Moose and Mint Chocolate Chip.

It wasn't an easy choice,  look at all the flavors I had to choose from.

Before we hit the road, we shared a poutine. It was just ok.

Quite the name for a place. It actually is a spot where they used to run the buffalo over the cliff though.  Kind of sad really.

Just because I love red barns.

We stopped at a look out point to enjoy the view.
Of course we took the obligatory selfie.

and another.

What a spot to have a place.  They have quite the spot.

This was the only one like this in the area we were in.

This lilac color was so nice against the green.

Daisies might be considered plain and simple but I think they are beautiful.

Made it to Waterton National Park and this is the first thing we run across after parking.

They are completely unconcerned or oblivious to the humans all around them.

What a scene!

Waiting for our lunch at a little Taco place we tried.  The graffiti walls were fun. Love all the Canadian flags on there.

My favorite flavor.

We each had a taco.

Then we went exploring.  It reminded me of Banff or Jasper.  I think I like it here a bit more though. 

This is the Prince of Wales Hotel.  Looks like a pretty swanky place.

Absolutely stunning scenery.

Called for another selfie!  One of these days I am going to jump on the band wagon and buy a selfie stick.  My Honey is not crazy about the idea but I think it will come in handy.

The mountains and that blue, blue water.  Love, love, love.

There was a wedding being held here.  They could not have picked a more beautiful venue.

Shared a pizza for supper (it was not very good).  One thing about these out of the way national parks is that they can charge you crazy amounts for food and they are not very concerned about the quality because they know there are not many choices).  *This does not apply to every place we have tried but it does apply to several.

We did enjoy the setting though.  Sitting outside in the sunshine with the fabulous views made supper very enjoyable.

and yes, this is ice cream #3 for the day.  What can I say, it was an ice cream kind of day.  This was toffee crunch with a home made waffle cone that was delicious.  It had a chewy caramel rim and they even curled up the bottom so the ice cream did not drip through.

Back on the road, capturing a few final shots of the mountains.

The shape of this one was kind of cool.

We were heading straight into a storm which I did not mind as I like watching the lightning.

We arrived in Lethbridge around 9:30 so no pictures as it was dark.  We checked into our room, watched a bit of TV then it was off to Never Never Land.  Looking forward to where the road may lead us tomorrow.

Until next time, be happy!