Tuesday 9 August 2022

West Edmonton Mall Water Park and Basha Donair (Aug.6, 2022)

 We slept in until around 9:30 then when we got up, Jason headed out for a run and I stayed with Freya.

We let her pick out a dress to wear to her birthday party that is coming up on Aug.22 and she insisted on trying it on this morning.
It even came with a little set of wings.

She loved it.

While Jason ran, she and I went down into the mall and we got cinnamon rolls again and I got a coffee.
We walked down to look at the water park - we were taking her there and she wanted to see it.
It was about twenty to ten at this point and the park doesn't open until 10 but there were already people lined up to go in there.

We went back to the room and got our stuff ready then headed down.
Jason had just gotten back from his run so he wanted a shower and he told us just to go on down and he'd meet us there afterwards.
He took all our luggage out to the car too so that was nice.

It cost about $60 per person for entry to the park and another $3 to rent a towel (I didn't think to bring any) but they did let me take the stroller/cart I had for Freya right into the pool area.

There is a little kiddie area as soon as you walk in there with three little slides and Freya didn't waste any time jumping right in.

Sliding down the baby slide at the West Edmonton Mall Water Park.

We played there for a bit then went over to the big wave pool.

The waves hadn't started yet and that's where Jason met us at.

After a bit of that, she wanted to go back to the kiddie pool so we did.

I saw this big splash park area to the left when you walk in from the shower area so we walked over there to check that out.
Jason took Freya through it - she loved it.

I sat and waited for them and watched our stuff and this mom came out carrying a boy of around 8 I'd say whose nose was bleeding all over the place.
I guess he smashed his nose in the slide.
The lifeguard came over and helped them get all cleaned up.
Poor little guy.

Splash Park in the Water Park at West Edmonton Mall.

This is quite the place.

She found another slide she liked.

When you find something that you like.
She went down it several times.

It really is quite the place - there are all kinds of slides everywhere.

There was this other splash pad area where fountains just shot up out of the ground.

More slides.

The Splash Park area.

There was a big giant bucket at the top that would be constantly filling up then every now and then when it was full, it would tip over and water would come crashing down every where.

She really loved that she could go down this big kid slide all by herself.

After the splash park, we went back to the wave pool.
I didn't get any pictures of that because I didn't want to take my phone in the water but we spent a lot of time in there.
At first Freya was leery of the waves but by the end she was loving them.
We took her pretty much out as far as we could and held her then jumped when the waves would come.
I got dunked by the waves a couple times while I was holding her but at least I was able to hold her up out of the waves.
A big horn would sound whenever the waves were going to start and everyone would cheer including Freya.
She was even shaking her arms over her head like 'yeah'.
It was so cute.
She just loved it and we stayed there until 3 pm.
It is open until 5 and we would have stayed longer but I had a few stops to make at some places that were closing early.
We will most definitely be taking her back though and we'll plan to spend the day.

I had to stop at Home Depot to get some more pvc piping to make my paint holder and I did that.
Then we stopped at Walmart for some necessities.
We let Freya pick out a toy for her birthday.

She saw this and wanted it.
She started singing 'Uh Oh, Gotta Go' then pressed the button on it and it sang the same song so obviously she'd seen it somewhere before, like a commercial.
It's a little flamingo that sits on a toilet and poops.
The things they make for kids.

We also ended up buying her a bike to keep at our place.
She does have one at her house already and this one is a bit bigger so it should last her for quite some time.

Out last stop was at Costco mainly to get some trout and hamburger for the bbq tomorrow.

Before hitting the highway for home, we stopped for some supper.
We've been seeing this restaurant beside Costco for months now, Basha Donair, and we've been wanting to try it and it's finally open so we thought we'd give it a shot.
We had chicken shawarmas.

We shared a fattoush salad.

Freya invented a new drink combination, cola and chocolate milk.
The food was just ok - not horrible but I don't think we'll be rushing back anytime soon.

We got home around 9 and Kody came over and picked up Freya right away.
They were having a bonfire over at their place and some friends were over with their kiddos that wanted to see Freya.

I put everything away and Jason started prepping some stuff for tomorrow.

Over in NS, they had Declan's birthday party today.

I didn't end up going for a run today.
I was supposed to run 13k but I didn't have time to get it in today and I guess I could have gone out when we got home but I honestly didn't want to.

I think I'll just call it a rest day and push everything ahead by a day.
That means that I'll miss my rest day this Wednesday but I'll live.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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