Tuesday 9 August 2022

Celebrating All the August Birthdays (Aug.7, 2022)

I had my coffee when I got up this morning then right away, started preparing for our bbq later today.

I started cleaning and Jason started cooking.

I had wanted to get out earlier for my run but it was noon when I finally did head out.

I was supposed to run 13k yesterday so that's what I ran today.
I'll run today's 15k tomorrow.

My exercise details and average heart rate.

My average pace and splits.
My groin was hurting a bit when I started out but after I got going it was fine.

My video check in for today.

Trout we picked up at Costco yesterday.
Jason is planning on smoking them - should be tasty.

Morgan made individual cakes for everyone again.
This duck one was for Alivia - she requested a duck cake.

The strawberry one was for Haylee.
Haylee couldn't make it because she was going to a concert in the city with her mom, aunt, Randie and Zepplyn.
They were seeing the Lumineers and it is Zepplyn's first concert so that's exciting.

She made a black forest cake for Mel whose actual birthday is today.
Then Jason made a coconut version of a Tres Leches cake for Freya. (It was so good I had two slices).

Jason had made some dough so he cooked up a couple of pizzas first, kind of as appetizers I guess.
Then he made hamburgers, hot dogs and the trout and we also had a Caesar salad to go along with it.
Everyone LOVED the hamburgers.

The boys, Kody, Rob and Adrien.

Jason and Freya.

Hunter, Adrien and Jason.

The girls - Morgan, Adrianna (Alivia's friend who has been visiting with them for a few days), Alivia and Mel.

Tanner, Morgan and Adrianna.

After supper we sang Happy Birthday to all the August babies then had cake and gifts.

I just gave Mel money but Alivia had sent me a list of things she wanted and I picked up a few of the items she requested.

She is really into art supplies so there was some of that plus she's starting to get into make up so there was some of that too.

I think she like what I got her.

Then we had a game of Drawful on the Jackbox - the kids love playing it.

Luckily we have a couple of extra phones hanging around that work on wi-fi so everyone was able to play.

We have a couple of very artistic folks in the family - both Kody and Alivia are very great drawers.

The game was fun - I think Jason won both rounds that we played.
Then everyone headed on home.

We cleaned everything up before relaxing in front of the tv for bit before bed.

Paddington wasn't afraid to make himself uber comfortable on Jason's lap.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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