Saturday 2 March 2024

Book Recommendation and Crafting Bunnies (Feb.23, 2024)

We were discussing books this morning at work and Shennelle said she is currently reading this one and she highly recommended it so I think I'm going to order it.
I took a quick screenshot so I could remember - the book was The Women by Kristin Hannah.

My training schedule called for a 3.2k run today so I knocked that out on my lunch hour.
As always, feels great to have it completed.

I was looking for some more crafting ideas today because Jason is working this weekend and so I plan on making a few things.

These little lambies are adorable.

I like these bunnies.

I love the primitive style of crafting and this dbunny on the top left is really cute, I may try to make something similar.

I found a few bunny patterns on google that I liked and printed them out in two different sizes.
I like the crooked ear on this one.

This one is more straightforward so it should be easier to make.

When I got home from work it was straight to the craft room and to work.
I cut out one of each of the larger patterns out.
I tried to keep them simple so I just added a bow and a tag to each.

I did add a little pocket and carrots to this one.

I love how they turned out - simple and sweet.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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