Saturday 2 March 2024

Budding Makeup Artist and Tough Workout (Feb.25, 2024)

Freya and I had a sleep in this morning.

I wanted to get up early but she wanted me to stay in bed with her so how could I say no to extra cuddles with my girl. 

Jason was cooking up a roast at work for the guys - it looks so yummy.

Freya wanted to do my makeup.

Don't I have a lovely glow?

Showing the makeup to the camera like a true youtuber.

She is the cutest makeup artist in all of the land if you ask me.

It kind of escalated a bit and she made me into an Avatar.

She did a pretty good job actually.

She gave me 'eyes' and the lips were a bit over the top but she had fun so that's what matters.

She did herself too - I think she's getting pretty good.

It washed off pretty good then after that we made some chocolate chip cookies - Mom had picked up a mix for her because she loves mucking around in the kitchen.

I tried going down and hopping on the treadmill to get my workout in.
I have to run 6.4k today.
I thought Freya could just sit there and entertain herself while I ran.
I ran about .7 of a mile then I had to stop and help her with something so I went to the washroom too nd she got on the treadmill while I was in there and accidentally pulled the emergency cord so everything reset back to zero.

I decided that I would just skip the workout for now because she was bored and I went back upstairs and we hung out.

She did my makeup again.
She gave me extra dark eyebrows.

A bit later she was winding down and I really wanted to get my workout done so we tried again.
She sat and watched YouTube videos and I hopped on the treadmill.

I struggled with the run today, I did the first half at 4.5 but then I had to put it down to 4.0.
I had to stop a few times, take a breath and then start again but I did eventually get it done.

Soooo happy to have that workout over with.

She was taking care of her baby while I finished up my run.

She's a good little Mama.

When we went back upstairs, I wanted to do some more crafting so I got this little flower made.

While I did that, she was doing some crafting of her own and she made this adorable spring reindeer.
I helped her cut the fabric to size but she did all the rest on her own.

Meanwhile Grandma Crystal was visiting with Eden and she posted some cute pictures.

She is so cute.

Love that little grin!

Around 7, Kody came over and picked Freya up - she was missing Mom and Dad and wanting to go home.

She is 4 months old today so Haylee posted this.

I love her little outfit.

Reading her sister a story - I love this picture.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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