Saturday 2 March 2024

My Honey and I Getting Creative (Mar.1, 2024)

It's Friday - my favorite day of the week.

I had a 5k run on the schedule for today so I knocked that out on my lunch hour.
I ran it at a speed of 4.5.

I wore my AlphFlys today and I forgot how much I love them.
The run felt sooo good.

Haylee bought tickets to a Sam Roberts concert for her and Kody for Christmas and the concert was in Edmonton tonight.
I had offered to watch the girls but they ended up taking them to Haylee's grandmothers in Barrhead for the night.

So I had a whole quiet evening to myself and I decided to craft.

I got to work right away as soon as I got home.
As you can see, I made a bunch of bunnies, a couple little birds and a bunch of tags.
I got them all stuffed and then I called it a night.
Tomorrow is when I get to do the fun part and embellish them!

Jason spent the evening working on a pinata.
He's posing for an 'action' shot for me, ha ha.

He made a leprechaun for St Patrick's Day a couple years ago for the kids so he's making another only this time it will be a Zombie leprechaun.

Kody and Haylee at the concert!
It's a great picture of them both.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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