Monday 11 March 2024

Alivia Dances (Mar.8, 2024)

Oh, it's Friday, my very favorite day of the week.


I had a 3.5 mile run on the training schedule today so I got that done on my lunch hour on the treadmill.

I ran it all at a speed of 4.5, felt so happy to get it done!

After work Mom and I headed down to the Keyano Center, picked Morgan up on the way - It's Swancicle Days this weekend and the dance studio in town was having a showcase.

Both Alivia and Zepplyn were dancing so we went to watch.
Freya takes dance with the same studio as well but her age group wasn't performing tonight unfortunately.
Haylee and Freya did go down to watch Zepp as well so I sat with them.

Alivia did a couple of dances so she had a couple of costume changes.
Costume 1

Costume 2

Zepplyn did two different dances, the first was a Hip Hop dance, then they did this one.

I liked her costume for this one.

They had an intermission and played some music for the kids watching to dance to and they all just had a grand old time.
I love watching the kiddos dance, they are so funny.

This was Alivia's costume for her final performance.

The showcase was good.
Afterwards, Freya wanted to come home with me and have a sleepover so of course I let her.

She wanted some sparkles to make a craft and OMG - she REALLY  got into it.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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