Saturday 2 March 2024

Movie Night (Feb.28, 2024)

It's Wednesday already - boy this week is going by quickly. 

I had a 5k run on the training schedule for today (Wednesday is always a 5k run) so I hopped on the treadmill at lunch time to get that done.

I ran it at a 4.5 and it was great.

Jason started his days off today.

He normally does a 21k run on his first day off but today he did a 30k run - ramping it up for his upcoming marathon.

He ran into Haylee picking Freya up from school during his run and as soon as she found out he was on days off, she wanted to come over.

She had dance at 3 so after dance, she came over to the house to hang out with Jason.

When I got home, I spent my evening working on my blog as I've gotten way behind.

Jason and Freya decided to have a movie night and he got the projector set up in the bedroom.

Freya "helped" him.

The screen is gigantic and took up the whole wall.
When it was all set up and ready for them to pick a movie, she picked Life of Luxury.
Ha ha.

She wanted me to come in and snuggle with them so I took the laptop in the room with me and continued to work on the blog while they watched stuff on the big screen.
It was really cool and I think it will be fun to watch movies in here.

She wanted to do my hair - my hair is curly so it's always a little tangly.
The brushing was a little painful, ha ha, but I survived.
She gave me a ponytail.

My little sweetie pie.

I ended up not getting back out of bed and totally forgot all about my steps so I missed my total by just 500 measly steps.
Can't believe I did that AGAIN!

I think I might make myself a reminder to go off everyday around 10 to check and see if I have my steps.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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