Sunday 10 March 2024

Cozy, Crafty Day (Mar.2, 2023)

 We had no Freya this morning and no plans to do anything so after our morning coffees, Jason got to work on his paper mache zombie leprechaun and I got crafting.

I got to do the fun part and add all the fun embellishments to the bunnies I made yesterday and this is how they all turned out.

I wanted to bring out the purple of this pattern.

I wanted to put some flowers on one of them by the ears but it didn't look right so I put them by the neck.
I didn't like that either but once the glue was on, I couldn't think of anything to cover the glue if removed them so they stayed put.

I like the white one with the just a pop of color, I think it's my favorite.

Another patterned one.

Then I decided to put the little birds on dowels and then in these spindles that I'm still using.
I love how they turned out.

This was a different bunny pattern that I tried.
The ears were supposed to stand up straight but they kept flopping over so I just glued them in place.
I wasn't going to do a face at first but I think it needed one so I stitched on a nose and painted on some eyes.

He looks a little oddball but I still like him.

I priced the bunnies at 10 which is not very much when I take into consideration the materials and the time but I don't think they would sell for more here - and I really enjoy making them.

I went for a bit of a walk this morning when Jason went for his run but it was super cold out so just wne to the store and back.
So I had to hop on the treadmill to get the rest of my steps.

It took me just under an hour, I did run for a minute here and there - quite often actually, just to get the steps in faster.

Then I decided to do another puzzle and that's what I spent the rest of the evening doing and I finished it just in time to go to bed.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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