Sunday 10 March 2024

Another Bunny (Mar.5, 2024)

 Today is Jason's last day off before he heads back on shift and he's running 30k today - it warmed up slightly so it isn't as bad as the weekend but it's still pretty cold so I'm very amazed by him.

He's so dedicated and I am so proud of him.

My workout today was 5 minutes running easy followed by
6 x (2 min Hard run, 3 min walk)
followed by 5 minutes running.

I did the Easy portions at 4.5 then the hard runs I did at 5.0, 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 5.4 and 5.5

Overall it isn't a huge amount of actual running time but it's such a great workout.
I was a total sweaty mess when I finished up.

I sewed up a bunny with some fuzzy fabric that I had and it turned out good then I wanted to add some embellishments so I made these little carrots to put in a pocket I added to the bunny.

There he is.
I think he turned out super cute.

I had to hop on the treadmill for a short time before I went to bed so that I could make my step goal for the day.

Now I can go to bed, yay!

Right before I went to bed I was looking at social media and saw this post that Meri Brown made about Garrison Brown which is Janelle's son (these are all people from the show Sister Wives that I watch).

I was so shocked.

Then right away I saw this post by Janelle.

It was on my mind all night long, I could barely sleep.
How heartbreaking for the whole family.
Such a tragedy.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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