Saturday 2 March 2024

Shoveling, Crafting and Visit With Our Girls. (Feb.24, 2024)

Woke up to some freshly fallen snow.


It blanketed everything.

It was pretty and it was sunny out so after I had my coffee, I went out and spend an hour shovelling.
I first only intended to do the walkway and the sideway but I ended up doing the whole driveway to.
I was sweating when I finished.

Nadine got there just as I was finishing up - she came over so I could cut a few stencils on the Cricut for her so I spent a bit of the afternoon doing that.

After she left, I got a few more things created.
This little house.

And another.

Then I made this welcome spring sign with bunny ears and I love how it turned out.

After supper, Kody asked if I could watch the kids for a bit while he did a few things and of course I said yes.

I walked around with Eden for a bit and she fell asleep almost immediately so I had her on the couch beside me so I could watch her.

She did sleep for a good while then when she woke up, she was content to just lay there for a bit and check things out.

But then she wanted to be up.
She likes being carried around like this so she can see everything.
I walked around with her like this for quite some time which was good because I needed steps and then Jason took over and walked her around for a bit too.

She noticed the tv and was watching it, Jason was walking her around but she was just glued to the tv.

Freya was watching her favorite YouTube channel - Life of Luxury - and there was a character in the particular episode that had been in a car accident so was all bandaged up and she wanted to get bandaged up just like her so Jason got the toilet paper out and this is what they came up with.

She thought it was just awesome.

Kody came back around 9 and picked up Eden and Freya ended up staying the night with us.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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