Sunday 10 March 2024

Massage Day Woot Woot (Mar.6, 2024)

It's Wednesday already, I think Kody and the girls will be back tomorrow and I can't wait to see Freya.

I think they've been having fun doing som swimming at the hotel pool and she loves that so I'm glad they got to have some family time.


I added one last touch to my bunny - pink cheeks.

Then I priced it and stopped at the Hardware on my way home for lunch to add it to my booth.

I had to run 5k today - Wednesday is always a 5k run day so when I went home at lunch I knocked it out on the treadmill.
Did it at a speed of 4.5.

I was so sweaty that I had to take a quick shower before heading back to work.
I have an appointment for a massage right after work and I wanted to be clean for that.
Don't want her to have to touch my sweaty self.

She has it set up really nice in there.
It's so calming and relaxing.
I always love massage day.

After the massage, I grabbed a quick bite to eat then it was off to a Mission Possible meeting.
It went pretty quickly so that was nice, I was back home by 8 pm.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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