Sunday 10 March 2024

City Trip Pics (Mar.7, 2024)

Haylee posted some pictures of their shenanigans while in the city.

Lots of swimming

Freya just loves the pool and luckily Eden does too.

Eden all cozy in the bed.

Awww, with her little teddy.


Love how she's holding it here.

Eden and Mama.

Haylee dyed her hair pink for Easter.
It looks great on her - she can really pull off any color.

Rob had to work late so he asked me to stop by and let the dogs out on my way home from work and I didn't even open the gate to go in when Kody and Haylee pulled right in behind me.

Haylee said Freya just couldn't believe it when she saw me there, she'd been asking to come over and it was like I was right there waiting for her.
So she did come with me and we went to my place.

Kody and Haylee did come over later and I helped them do their taxes.
It took most of the evening.

Jason kept Freya busy when he got home.

Freya wrote a song.

Freya's music video debut.

Freya REALLY wanted to spend the night even though we both have to work in the morning but she has no school so Mom said she could stay with her in the morning.

After Kody and Haylee left, I still needed A LOT of steps so I went down and got on the treadmill to get it done.

It took me exactly and hour to do it but it's done and I feel great about that.

Pretty little Hazel.

She is such a sweet little kitty.

When I went back upstairs after getting my steps in, he had gotten the projector all set up and they were in bed watching it so I joined them.
She was actually watching YouTube videos so Jason and I watched a couple Vlogs before heading off to dreamland.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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