Sunday 10 March 2024

Long Run Day (Mar.3, 2023)

 A couple of weeks ago when I went to the city Mom asked me to pick a cat bed up for each of the cats.

I didn't think they would use then at all but I got them anyway.

Hazel proving me wrong.

She lays on it ALL THE TIME!

I had to run7 miles and I would have preferred to do that outside but it was far too cold out there me so treadmill it was.
I went downstairs first thing too in order to get it completed and out of the way.
I figured it would take me about 1 hour and 45 minutes and I was right on the nose.
I ran the whole thing at a speed of 4.5 which felt tough but I did it.

I was soooo happy to be done and absolutely soaked.
So I had a nice long hot bath afterwards.

Jason got to the point of being able to start painting his zombie leprechaun.

He made the eye kind of popped out and attached with a bunch of elastics, he's hoping it falls out and just kind of hangs there when the kids start pounding on it.

Last time he made the zombie it was carrying a pot of gold and this time it will be carrying a severed head.
Quite an escalation.
Kody and Freya dropped by shortly today to borrow our laptap.

He needs to be in the city for school this week (he's taking his Journeyman's Picker training, and Haylee and the girls are going with him.
I'm bummed we won't see her all week but hopefully she'll have a good time.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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