Tuesday 12 March 2024

Grand Baby Time then Long Run (Mar.10, 2024)

Ok, so this post is going to be loaded with pictures of my babies.

Kody had an assignment to do today so he asked if I could watch the girls for a bit and I said I would of course. 

Eden was a happy girl today making lots of cute faces.

I love her crooked little grin.

Such a little cutie pie.
Freya looked just like this when she was itty bitty.

Freya wanted to do my makeup for me.
This was the before.

Check out the eyebrows she gave me.

Me and my girls.

Makeup artist extraordinaire.

Wowzers - all dressed up and nowhere to go.

She was being a very helpful big sister feeding Eden.

She's so proud to show us how helpful she can be.

Got her to sleep.

Then just held her for a little while.

Such a cute button nose.

Kisses for Eden.


She was being very chatty today making all kinds of noises.

Kody came and picked them up at 3 and I headed out for my run.
I had to run 13k today and luckily it was nice out so I was able to do it outside.

The snow is melting but there is still quite a bit of it around.

This is what the roads are looking like.

I did my 13k, that last km was a struggle, my last half of a km was all uphill and I barely made it.
I wanted to quit and walk sooooo bad but I wouldn't let myself.

The exercise details.

My average pace and splits.
Not the greatest.

The cleats don't help with speed any that's for sure.
And my feet were pretty sore by the time I got home - I look forward to the day when I don't have to wear them on my runs anymore.

Workout is done though and I feel awesome about that.

I went home and had a nice, long hot bath then just kind of had a quiet evening.
I had a few things I wanted to do but I was tuckered from the run.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

Nadine's Birthday Dinner and Kids Dance (Mar.9, 2024)

Freya and I had a bit of a sleep in this morning and meanwhile, Jason was prepping for the big lunch tomorrow.


He made banana pudding - I sure hope there are some leftovers.

They were having a free pancake breakfast at the Keyano Center this morning so Freya and I walked over there to have some.
We met Randy, Crystal and Zepplyn there so we sat with them.
I was going to walk Freya home after because I'm heading to Barrhead with the girls today but she wanted to go with Crystal so that worked out.

Before we headed to Barrhead, I hopped on the treadmill and did a bit of walking just in case I didn't get much walking in today.

The less steps I have to try to get in at the end of the day the better.

Bonnie picked me up at 1:30, we grabbed Nadine and then we were off.
There is a movie playing in Barrhead that we went to see, Ordinary Angels, so we figured we'd go to dinner, then a movie for Nadine's birthday that was the other day.

We did some shopping at the second hand store - I picked up a few craft things then some sleepers for Eden.

Then we went to Dehert Garden Center for some dessert before supper.
Nadine had an Irish Cream Cream Puff and she said it was divine.

I had a gigantic cinnamon roll and I ate the whole entire thing.

Bonnie had a strawberry tart.

I decided to take Jason home a treat and I couldn't decide between these two so I called him - he picked the strawberry tart.

I did give him this option too - I thought he might go for something savory but he didn't.

Next up we went for dinner.

We went to Leals and Teals and ordered a bunch of appetizers and a couple quesadillas to share.
It was good.

I was trying to get Bonnie's picture but it was so sunny.
I kept trying all these angles but none of them worked, finally she just ducked down and voila!

It turns out Ordinary Angels wasn't playing in Barrhead, it was Argyl, we decided not to go see it and just headed back home instead.

I had told Freya that she could come for another sleep over so I called to say we were home and Kody said Crystal was taking her over to the kids dance they were having tonight.
Freya wanted Jason and I to go over there too so we did.

Jason spent the whole time running around chasing kids while carrying at least one kid on his shoulders.

Doing some dancing.

Dakota having a turn on Jason's shoulders.

Taunting Jason to come and chase her.

Alivia was there too with all her friends and they were having a great time.

Dragging Dakota around.

They both thought that was pretty funny.

I think all of the kids had a really good time - I know I enjoyed watching them.
It was over just after 10 pm.

I picked up a 300 piece puzzle today and while Jason and Freya were playing this evening, I put it together.
It was easy to do and I quite liked it.

Freya want to make a craft so I gave her some fabric and she made this.

She insisted that she needed a hammer too, she nailed it right to the table, ha ha.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

Monday 11 March 2024

Alivia Dances (Mar.8, 2024)

Oh, it's Friday, my very favorite day of the week.


I had a 3.5 mile run on the training schedule today so I got that done on my lunch hour on the treadmill.

I ran it all at a speed of 4.5, felt so happy to get it done!

After work Mom and I headed down to the Keyano Center, picked Morgan up on the way - It's Swancicle Days this weekend and the dance studio in town was having a showcase.

Both Alivia and Zepplyn were dancing so we went to watch.
Freya takes dance with the same studio as well but her age group wasn't performing tonight unfortunately.
Haylee and Freya did go down to watch Zepp as well so I sat with them.

Alivia did a couple of dances so she had a couple of costume changes.
Costume 1

Costume 2

Zepplyn did two different dances, the first was a Hip Hop dance, then they did this one.

I liked her costume for this one.

They had an intermission and played some music for the kids watching to dance to and they all just had a grand old time.
I love watching the kiddos dance, they are so funny.

This was Alivia's costume for her final performance.

The showcase was good.
Afterwards, Freya wanted to come home with me and have a sleepover so of course I let her.

She wanted some sparkles to make a craft and OMG - she REALLY  got into it.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!